There's Nothing Like AC Unity

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A discussion i had on my other channel that I wanted to bring to this one, trying to understand why I can't move on from Assassin's creed Unity. Enjoy!

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Sorry i was gone but spain were winning the euros so i had to lock in


If Unity had launched in a bug free state the landscape of the franchise would probably look a lot different today.


This is what I wrote when I fully completed Unity a couple of years ago:

"It is curious to think that if Notre Dame had never burned, I wouldn't have discovered this franchise. This was the first AC I played, and I remember thinking when I just started "getting 100% sync must be so difficult". This game has meant so much to me. One of the best Assassin's Creed for me, no matter what the rest says. It's sad that the game's bad launch damaged its image forever. Now I know that, when I get older, I will remember this game and cry of pure joy like I did today. Thank you, Unity. Thank you."

So yeah, seeing the community treatment this game has gotten over time excites me a little bit. I've always felt something special about Unity, something I'm not sure I'd be able to express properly.


I think the reason Unity is so appealing to me is that it's the last time an entry felt like a true step forward for Assassin's Creed. Was it a stumbling step? Yes. Did it twist its ankle and embarrass itself in a way no other franchise had at the time? Yes. But it was a step forward, and it took confidence and ambition to make that game, and it was successful enough to leave an impression on a lot of people.

After that, Syndicate was mostly a Unity reskin (though it had some good ideas), the RPG trilogy felt like trend-chasing--trodding the beaten path instead of leading the industry like AC did for so long--and Mirage is more about recapturing old glory than it is about innovation (though deviating from Ubisoft's formula is bold in its own right). I mean, what has AC done in the last 8 years that hasn't been done better by someone else?

I guess it's like you said, no other AC has felt truly next-gen since Unity.


The seamless interiors in this game don't get enough praise.


Idk if this makes sense but honestly my favourite ac games all have a darker atmosphere. I love walking down the dark, dirty streets of the poorer sectors of Paris, or walking through Egypt trying to kill the murderers of my child and hallucinating them afterwards, or even going through the streets of London. Now that I’m playing odyssey I’m realizing how much a darker story impacts my enjoyment in assassins creed, since Arno, bayek, and even Jacob (more evie) are true shadows in the streets. I will always return back to unity for this reason tbh.


"A shattered masterpiece" - It's the best description of AC Unity I've ever heard and it conveys my feelings perfectly. I love it, becouse it's a masterpiece, there is this spark of honest brilliance. And I hate it, becouse it's broken, becouse it could be so much more. It's a game of great potential - potential which it never really fulified. It's my favourite AC game, though I understand why others might hate it; I've just never been good at not loving broken things.


I find quite funny that my relationship with Unity is so similar than that of people that started with older games since Unity was the first AC game I played. The jank as you call it is what kept me interested in it once I finished the story, I remember being a teenager just roaming in the streets and rooftops of Paris trying to get better at parkour and moving with fluidity. Even if I know that objectively it isnt the best game in the series it gets so many things right that even after playing the whole franchise is a treat to go and play it again.


I played Unity for the first time in 2020(on PC). There were no bugs or clipping. I enjoyed it


Unity has always had such a special place in my heart. I never experienced the horrendous glitches when it launched so for me it was a great experience and I loved the setting


Unity was my first AC game (I got it when Notre Dame was burning and Ubisoft gave it away for free) and it still holds a special place in my heart, because this game is so rich, to this day I believe it's a game with the most historical characters in this series and I - as a guy who always loved history - was amazed back in 2019 when I laid my hands on this game
In my personal ranking Unity sits at 5th place, only behind Valhalla, Origins and first two games of Ezio trilogy, while many people really hate it for bugs that were present at the release (guess I'm lucky I played it in 2019 when there were no lags left)


I feel like what made me love ac unity is how many real-life details/missions there are. As somebody who is not a history nerd but still has some common knowledge i loved the references to these many known people or events (im referring mainly to the secondary missions) and they made me feel like i really was part of the world i was in and made truthful history impacts on it and not only living an assassin’s memory just for the sake of his own storytelling


This game is like an itch, most often it's just annoying and you wished you were playing another game, but when you find the right spot to scratch it's like heaven.


AC Unity has just something special thing that we can't name..


tbh I think Unity looks better than oddyseey


It hurts my soul how perfect Unity could have been. Unity is kinda like Anakin Skywalker, it could have been the greatest game in franchise, but Ubisoft was simply too greedy and released an completely unfinished game. I really hope AC shadows will be "that one" AC game, but sadly it's Ubisoft who is releasing it...


I found myself coming towards AC unity when it went on sale last year for dirt cheap. Growing up, I wanted AC unity as soon as I’d seen its trailer. Multiplayer, Custom Assassins, custom loadouts with unique weapons. It was everything I wanted. Gradually waiting until I got to experience AC unity was a big gaming moment for me. It drew me in after I finished Elden ring and needed to scratch that itch with subsequent soulslikes. Eventually I was playing games like ghost of Tsushima, and AC unity in 2023 was my gateway back into some assassins creed games.


Unity will always reminds me of the potential of a AC1 remake done right. Ironically, it also encapsulates perfectly Ubisoft as a developer and a publisher a half baked game filled with great ideas and wasted potential. I kinda hate that I like this game, most of the things doesn't work properly, but it could work if given the proper direction and resources.


Smosh with their parody songs unintentionally captured the feeling that with Connor and Edward you were a god-like soldier walking the streets, capable of defeating 30 guards with just your fists, tearing down forts and destroying war ships. Unity was the first that made you feel like a blade blade in the crowd, jumping out to rough up some guards and then back into the shadows he goes and with truly stealth driven missions. But with the uncaptivating story, lack of interesting side content, the bugs and the lame coop missions, can't get a vip seat in our hearts


The open world is one of if not the the immersion and ambience is outstanding and the crowd genuinely feels alive
