How Air Assault Works - Featuring the Rakkasans of the 101st Airborne

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This video is for educational purposes, made in cooperation with the U.S. Army to describe how Air Assault operations work. No combat footage was shown.

Special thanks to the 18th Airborne Corps, the 101st Airborne, 3rd Brigade 187th Infantry ("Rakkasans"), and Company C, 1-33 Calvary for allowing me to film their operations.

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Ryan McBeth Productions LLC
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This video is for educational purposes, made in cooperation with the U.S. Army to describe how Air Assault operations work. No combat footage was shown.

Special thanks to the 18th Airborne Corps, the 101st Airborne, 3rd Brigade 187th Infantry ("Rakkasans"), and Company C, 1-33 Calvary for allowing me to film their operations.

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Ryan McBeth Productions LLC
8705 Colesville Rd.
Suite 249
Silver Spring, MD 20910


I am a Rakkasan. I am also a former Marine. The combat tours I did with the Rakkasans convinced me that I was in an Elite unit. That is the mentality and the results we achieved support this.


this video was planned more thoroughly than the whole russian special military operation!


You have a great gift of communication Ryan. That gift is obviously coupled with excellent work ethic, dedication to reality and love of country. You are the right man for many jobs.


As a First Calvary Red Leg of 52 years ago. I remember slinging guns below Chinooks . I even saw to two Chinooks sling load a single gun working together. I doubt that’s done any more.
As you mentioned Ryan any time the turbine is running your consuming fuel. This is critical in the planning stage.
A very well done report.


This brought back so many memories from my service in the Chilean army. I was a "paratrooper" (umbrella term here for air assault troops) and we were mostly attached to special forces units, we were the chaperones, making sure the sneaky boys could do their thing w/o worrying about holding a perimeter because that was our job and hile shit, there was a rumor going around back then that some of our pilots were trained by the Nightstalkers (which wouldn't surprise me, our army tends to train alongside US troops). If you see in Black Hawk Down killer eggs flying 3ft off the ground, I called it cinematic liberty on the movie... til I flew 3ft off the ground. Those were the best years I had in the army and your brief about the mission took me back to being in a tent with all my kit, ready to dust-off whenever the order came. Good times.


My grandson is at Ft. Campbell. Finished Ft. Ruckers in January to PCS. Thanks Ryan for this video to help me understand his training and challenges. Now me going for a Bunker Branding CHALK T-shirt. Tom.


My son is a young Air Assault soldier in the 101st Recon Platoon, I make him watch all of Ryan’s videos, usually on FaceTime and then we discuss. My hope is that Ryan’s job of leading and training young soldiers NEVER come to an end. I believe that so many soldiers and current leaders can, and do, learn something with each one of Ryan’s videos making him still integral to the Army’s mission. Thank you Ryan. Your hard work, knowledge and willingness is MUCH appreciated. The knowledge in these videos is what keeps our troops alive, our military lethal and success of the mission inevitable.


As a former member of 101, oh yes I DO know how an Air Assault works! Nice to see this subject on a video!


101st is from the 101st Wisconsin volunteers that brought a bald eagle into combat as their standard in the civil war. The named him "Old Abe".


Those of us who have served in the 101st anytime since the late 70s knows that what the 101st does is unique and far more capable in terms of extended air assault operations and direct air assault operations than anyone else except maybe the 160th SOAR.


I was born on Ft. Campbell and grew up there. The amount of pride they take in the 101st is immense.

It's a weapon that no one else can copy and no one could adequately deal with


I wish I could credit who said this but whenever I hear about the importance of courage in any situation the statement "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the understanding that there are some things more important than fear" comes to mind. I am sure these soldiers take that sentiment to a whole other level on a regular basis. Watched from start to finish. Thanks Ryan.


Us Aussies are doing a bit of rethinking of our force composition, possibly making an air assault brigade (alongside our amphibious, armoured and general/support brigades), so it's really nice to see a video like this.


Rakkasan here, I served as a medic with C-3/187 in the early 90's. It was awesome to take a ride along with you and the current day Rakkasans on another air assault mission, Ryan! Shame you didn't have a chance to run with the Iron Rakkasans, but still, super cool to see this. And hey, I even saw some of the guys from my ORANG unit, the 41st Infantry Brigade in the mixed footage you used in places. All in all, a great and informative video. Top notch, man. Top notch.


Ryan, Sir….im a 78 year old Vietnam Vet. I was in the war from 1967-69. I was a CH47 Chinook Flight Engineer, with the Phu Loi 242nd Black Cats. 1st Aviation Battalion, 1 st Infantry Division…..all of that said, I want to thank you deeply for the great shoutout you included about the service members that are the maintainers and operators of Amy Aviation. Sadly, that isn’t very common to hear.. if a person was not a pilot…’re a ‘nothing’.
The Chinooks of today are so extremely advanced, to what I maintained, that’s a great thing that I’m eager to always learn about. Today’s warriors are so advanced compared to what my generation knew.
Thank you again for your Service, continued military technology education and appreciation for us enlisted service members.


I was in the 326th/801st MSB forward area surgical team from 91 to 95. I graduated The Air Assault School in March of 92. We were an air mobile squad that would go to stabilize critically wounded soldiers for transport back to the aid station and ultimately to a hospital for proper surgery.


Thanks! I want to add: You're a great help to those of us who are trying to navigate the military intricacies. Keep up the good work. Please.


Honey wake up the air assault video just dropped


i've been out for about 20 years and the way Ryan presented his Army Training gave me flash back, when i was a young E-5 giving training on OE-254 and SINCGARS radio... i feel like the way Army present it's training is almost universal.
