More Cringeworthy Job Postings - How To Spot Low Quality Jobs

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More Cringeworthy Job Postings - How To Spot Low Quality Jobs. Here's 7 more job postings from poor quality employers to help you avoid working in a toxic company.

0:00 - intro
1:19 - Salary requirement
2:29 - 1st posting (this is bad)
7:45 - 2nd posting
8:43 - 3rd posting
14:50 - LI posting
18:01 - 5th posting
19:30 - 6th posting (Yikes!)
23:05 - 7th Posting
26:11 - Get help landing a job


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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve gotten a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well you’ve come to the right place.

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BTW, my pet peeve that makes me skip over just about any job posting, at this point, is when they don't list any salary in their ad. To me, that is a HUGE red flag.


The biggest issue I think with jobs I'm seeing is the way the companies keep posting same role for over 8 months... a huge red flag for sure.


If a job application wants to do a job assessment that takes longer than 10 minutes, I delete the emails. I don’t have time for stupid competency exams for an entry level position.


I had an interviewer give me a work assignment...I told them, "like you, I don't work for free". If that is a problem, it's a YOU problem"


As soon as a company mentioned 'work hard, play hard' it is immediately obvious that they are understaffed and you will burn out quickly.


I literally felt a punch to the gut when that one company put "we practice work-life integration." How could someone write that? That person must be insane.


Doing an assignment as part of the hiring process seems like a good way to do the job, not get hired, and see the company use my efforts anyway.


"If you're not going to tell people how much you pay, you really don't need the help."


Having worked both cooperate and for start ups most of my life the biggest red flag of all time is if they use the word "family"...move on. Not like family owned and operated but rather that you'll be "part of the family". Secondly if they mention work/life balance there's a reason they're bringing it up, because without fail it means there IS NO work/life balance, it's just work and you'll be pulling some seriously ridiculous hours and the "family" part is how they spin it and attempt to guilt you into working those insane hours. You don't want to spend 14 hours a day in the office 6 days a week? But we're a family. You don't want to let down the family do you?" lol If they mention either of those keep scrolling and if they mention BOTH family and work/life in the same job description RUN!


I have come to the opinion that well over half of the vacancies posted on these recruiting sites are data mining from submitted resumes for targeted advertising & marketing.


the "if you need to ask how much i will pay, then you obviously dont really need the work" thing was the worst. he fully admits he is specifically looking for someone who is desperate that will work for pennies.


I have a masters degree and just applied for a position. They asked for an advanced degree, and the list of experience and job requirements is pretty long. They did not list the salary, but said it was full time. I met 95 percent of the requirements, so I applied and I got a callback. My first call was with HR who immediately asked me why I want to leave my current position. I found that odd that it was her first question, but okay. We set up a time for me to do a zoom interview with the two senior people with whom I would be directly working. The zoom interview went great, and I connected with the person who would be my immediate supervisor. I felt positive. And then I was told that the position pays 16.00 per hour. For a position that asks for a masters degree and tons of experience. I don’t get it.


I recently got out of the military, I have 10 years of experience in logistics and a degree in supply chain management. Any job that requested an assignment or any interview process that was excessive I didn't consider. Ended up getting the job I was looking for after a few months after two short interviews and a short warehouse tour, don't waste your time with companies that don't know what they're looking for or want to take advantage of you.


I've been through several interviews where I've been asked "why should I hire you?" Huge red flag for me. My resume speaks for itself. The fact that you called me leads me to ask why I should work for you. And I'm ballsy enough to ask that question.


The hubris and sense of entitlement on the part of these deranged and delusional employers is beyond belief!


I know a pianist who composed a score for a famous higher end SUV company's commercial as part of a submission to be used in their commercials (initials of the car company are "L R"). The said they did not find any acceptable submissions, but she later found they transposed her score to another key and actually used it! That was just enough to make it "their own". She ended up using her original score as the title track on her first album- which won awards. (Jennifer Thomas- Illumination).


I once applied for a vanilla IT support role. I was asked to demonstrate passion and commitment to their company as if I was hoping to land my true calling in life.

No, actually, I just want the money.


Brian is 1, 000% correct here when he says don't worry about scaring off potential employers. I had to learn this lesson the hard way. I've worked places where I was low balled for a "promise" of moving up later—needless to say 'later' never came! If I had just held out, I know I would have been where I wanted and needed to be much sooner. I now live by this philosophy when it comes to job offers:

If they don't value you while you're "dating them" (the interview), then they won't value you any more if you agree to "marry them" (accepting the job offer). Keep up the awesome videos Brian👍


This needs to be a permanent series on this channel honestly.


Re: The company bragging that only 3% make it through their screening process. Your first question to them would have to be if they pay more than 97% of all other companies out there. If no, thank them for their time and walk away.
