Kim Ji-won's car wreck right before Kim Soo-hyun's eyes | Queen of Tears Ep 14 | Netflix [ENG]

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Hyun-woo (Kim Soo-hyun) runs out to witness a truck crash head-on with a car believed to by carrying Hae-in (Kim Ji-won). In a desperate attempt to rescue her, Hyun-woo breaks the car window with his fist, only to discover later that Hae-in wasn't in the vehicle.

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kim soo hyun deserves an oscar for this particular scene


The way Soohyun portrayed relief and fear was so amazing. His deep breathes. The way he kneeled like he's under so much adrenaline from the happening. PLUS Jiwon's eye acting and delivery!!! This scene was everything.


the way he portrayed fear and relief, the way she portrayed realisation, sadness.
Aghhh, these two are phenomenal they are carrying the drama 🎉


The angst of this scene! Putting Kim Jiwon and Kim Soohyun in one drama is the best thing that happened in Kdramaland today. Their crafts as actor and actress are just effortlessly showing on how they portray their characters. They are just too phenomenal. *applaud* *hats off*


I always wondered why Kim Soo-hyun was the highest paid Korean actor. Now I know. Every emotion he expresses seems real.


the look on haein’s eyes when she realized that hyunwoo is not joking when he said that he will only live for a day and follow her immediately after she dies🥺🥺🥺


We could actually see the moment Haein has decided to take the surgery. She saw how devastated Hyunwoo would be if she died. BUT why do they have to suffer so much? 😭😭 PLEASE I've been crying non-stop.


This scene hit me so hard. Haein needed to see firsthand just how badly her absence would affect Hyunwoo for her to realize the surgery would be worthwhile. She didn't want to lose her precious memories but ultimately chose to survive for Hyunwoo's sake. I love how this show depicts true love built on sacrifices.


Kim Soo-hyun acting has been phenomenal for this series and Kim Ji-won has kill it as well. This was such a powerful emotional scene.


When he kneeled down in front of hae in! Like the sound of relief in his voice but the stress can still be seen in his body, he just makes the character come to life!😭😭😭😭 I swear i was also panting because of how hyunwoo was also breathing so hard😭😭😭😭


Daesang for both of them 😭😭
The best couple
The best actor and actress 😭😭


the fact that soohyun kneel was his adlibs and jiwon add the adlibs by kneeled with him and hug him make this scene more undoubtly perfect 😭


Kim Soo-hyun's acting as Baek Hyun-woo is one of his finest moments as an actor. And that's an understatement in itself considering how stellar and incredible his acting is throughout the years. Watching him bring Hyunwoo to life with such intensity is such a feast for the eyes. It's no wonder Soohyun said that there were times he wanted to run away in Germany and that it took Jiwon to help him center himself. This episode really took him through the wringer. From the church scene to the car crash to that hospital scene as Haein is being taken to surgery. It was a never-ending rollercoaster of emotions. How Soohyun was able to get there mentally and pace himself physically to still leave enough room to bring it for the next scene, is a sign of masterclass acting. He truly is the finest actor of his generation, a god of acting as K-netz call him, and why he's the highest paid actor in Korea. There's so much to unpack in this episode, far too much I would say. But this car crash scene in particular.... It was terrifying to watch, not because I thought Haein was in the car, but because I just KNEW Hyunwoo would simply break (and this before THAT hospital scene where he quite literally defined for me how a man can simply BREAK with utter fear, relief, anxiety, yearning, you name it, Soo-hyun did it). I was not prepared to watch Hyunwoo break and Soo-hyun act that out. And boy did he do it. The absolute devastation, panic and fear at the thought that she was dead, then to see her standing there. Him watching her as if seeing a ghost. Even the lack of sound after that truck hit the car was like symbolizing that HIS whole world has just stopped and nothing would ever be the same again. The way his legs nearly give out from under him from all that adrenaline and sheer panic. His hoarse breathing, his teary eyes, the desperate way he clutched her as if proving to himself she's still with him and he was never letting her go, I too would have fallen at the knees had I not been sitting down. I applaud Soo-hyun for this. And Jiwon...she brought her A-game here as well, as she showed just by her eyes and expressions alone what no words needed saying. She was going ahead with the surgery because actions speaks louder than words. Seeing her husband that devastated proved to her that he wasn't lying. What his desperate words could not convince her, his utter, physical terror at her loss did it. He would lose himself without her and while she feared losing herself and her memories of him, the realization that Hyunwoo would lose himself more just flat out terrified her even more. The love between these two shows that no sacrifice is too great nor too heavy a burden to carry, not if you have each other to hold onto. Kim Soo-hyun, there are no words to encapsulate your Oscar, Daesang-worthy acting. You have no equal and that has become even more evident. You simply deserve every awards this season and more. You are more than owed your flowers and I hope Korea showers you with it. And Jiwon, you were a revelation. You shined like the diamond that you are. I thank the gods you two were paired together as only you two could have brought to life Hyunwoo and Haein. It's probably a lot to ask, but I hope and pray you two will work together again. (And yes, I also hope you two will end up together like my CLOY couple. I'll search for a four-leaf clover & wish desperately for it.)


The pure realisation in hae in’s face when she got a glimpse of what his life would be after her. His uncontrollable overwhelmed eyes at the thought of her being gone. This scene is everything.


The movements, the breathing, their expressions, their eye contact, and their emotions. Speechless.
And this is the moment of realization for Hae In, what will happened to Hyun Woo if she left him..


This movie's greatest Achivement was Putting KJW and KSH in a drama together. They are truely a 1 in a life time pair, Absolute Perfections of Acting I have ever seen


That heavy breathing & those eyes were just enough to emot emotions without delivering any dialogues to let us know about desperation and feeling scared.


This is the most emotional scene ever, I almost cried watching this scene, Soo-Hyun’s acting is Superb!


If there was ever any doubt on Haein’s part about how much she’s loved by her husband, this moment erases all doubt. Between the two, it is Haein who is mentally and emotionally stronger. That’s why she was floored by his action and made the decision to go into surgery despite her huge fears in that second. You can actually see it in her eyes that no way she could leave this guy on his own. He’d ruin his life and she’ll never allow that.


There..2:10. That face. She knew there and then that Hyun Woo would follow her right away if she die.
Both of them deserve every single awards in this world.
