Leaf Razor & Twig Razor Sneak Peek, Dr. Jon’s Black Label Soap & Aftershave & EverReady C40 Brush

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From their website-

“This vegan shave soap has notes of tobacco, bergamot, oakmoss, violet, lavender, and strawberry to provide for a unique and wonderful aroma.”

You can check out the links to their sites and products in the links below.

Kensurfs Limited Edition 2021 Brush-

Links to Kensurfs Custom Products (custom brushes and shave mug-coffee cup for sale from DSCosmetics).

Coffee Mug-

Kensurfs Winter 2019 2 Band Badger Shave Brush

Kensurfs Winter 2019 Synthetic Shave Brush

Kensurfs Summer 2019 Synthetic Shave Brush

Kensurfs Summer 2019 2 Band Badger Shaving Brush

Thank you for watching. Subscriptions appreciated.




Brush- Ever Ready C40 Restored
Shave Cream- Dr. Jon’s Black Label
Razor - Leaf Razor
Blade - Wilkinson Sword Gillette
Aftershave - Dr. Jon’s Black Label

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I absolutely love the Twig razor! It's a great, simple design and shaves beautifully. Can't wait to hear your thoughts when you get your hands on one.


I have a Leaf and love it. I have had rolling shave-offs against all my other razors, including a Mercur Future knock-off and the One Blade. The Leaf always wins. I have a mustache, so the under nose issue doesn't present itself. It's hard to describe how the sled that holds the blades glide on your skin and holds the blades at a perfect angel. You can use fewer blades for a less aggressive shave, but I've always used three blades and never found it too aggressive. It shipped with Astra blades. I've tried several kinds from Feather to Wilkinson. They all do well, but I got 100 Astra'a with the razor, so they are my daily drivers now. I have a Twig on the way and ordered and stored a second Leaf, 'just in case' so I should be set for life now (I'm 73). I am in the process of selling all my Gillettes (some mildly collectable) and other razors. I find nothing can compete with the Leaf. It's a great razor and give a superb shave.


Thanks Ken. I just purchased a Leaf as you used in the video. Added the Leaf to my collection and now my rotation of razors. The Leaf works well and I agree it is somewhat hard to cut yourself with it. Shaves similar to cartridge razors without the cost of the expensive cartridges.


My wife and I were able to get vaccinated yesterday. I had flu like symptoms last night and today. Allowing me to get caught up on my YouTube watching. Stay safe.


I just bought the twig razor the one blade and I love it. I will stick with that cause I will not get no cuts and comes out cheaper like you said split in half the razors. Here’s a fact I I’m 54 years old and new to this on how to shave with a de also was sick for these couple of weeks with bronchitis resting and for days and weeks wanted to learn more about de razors and watching your videos I learned a lot. I felt like i was taking a mini course me watching different videos old or new.lol. It really helped me a loI, I even bought the Henson razor the aggressive one but it’s too sharp and it gave me cuts the twig razor I can even use it to trim my mustache and I don’t get no cuts. Now I’m a pro cause of your videos thank you so much and I still watch different videos. I watch your videos cause you go into detail and you don’t talk fast as others you go step by step which I like and that’s how a person learns the way you represent different products as well. Have a wonderful day and Happy Holiday! One love! Peace!


Ken I'm back, you sly dog with the consistent uploads, making me go back and watch em. Keep it up, big love.


Sinatra Lennon did a review on the Twig yesterday 💈 if you wanna look. Great shave Ken and thanks for sharing the wife’s razor.


After using DEs, SEs, and SRs, I'd never use a Leaf. Until the day I start shaving my head. That day, I'll buy a Leaf. I love the design on the Twig. Too many vintage razors already, so it's not on my "to buy" list.

Leaf/Twig are sure to bring new people into the wetshaving community. Reformed cart users, low-waste lifestyle, and people who want a different option for head and leg shaving. For this reason alone, the company that makes the Leaf deserves respect.


Hi Ken- Great shave; thank you! Nice job with the Leaf razor. I hope you have a great rest of the week. Take good care and be safe and be well. Best regards, as always, Ken!


Great video on the leaf razor. I recently bought a Occam’s razor from classic shaving. This razor shaves like a dream. The best razor in my shave den. Stay safe and healthy Kensurf.


You’ll like the new Twig. Not only does it do a good job of getting under the nose, it also gives a great shave on it’s own!


Good shave Ken!! I have 3 Leaf razors around my house. My wife uses a Rose Gold one, and I have a Gold one and a Mercury one. I personally love the Leaf, and I have the Twig prototype. When it releases, I'm definitely buying at least one in Gold. I hope you and your family are staying safe, and have a wonderful day!!!


Hey Ken good to see you shaved it with Leaf with pivoting one before using Twigg Se razor so one can see the difference and I have leaf for my wife to use and see how does she likes it or not since she use cart razors so far


I’m glad the dermatologist visit went well. When I go, she turns the top of my head into one big scab. So far nothing being frozen off the ears.

The Leaf looks interesting, but I’m not going back to a multi blade system unless it’s just two blades. The only multi-blade razor I’ve had any luck with was the Excel, which I still have as a reminder of the misery of shaving with a multi-blade razor.

Stay safe.


Excellent shave with the Leaf, Ken! I use it on my head but haven’t tried it on my face yet... Maybe I’ll try that tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!


I just got the Dr. Jon's Black Label soap and aftershave tonic and used them for the first time today. I am in love with the scent. It's a sweet, kind of fruity pipe tobacco scent, right up there with PAA Cavendish so far for such scent profiles. Sadly, Dr. Jon's is in the process of moving from Ohio to New York, so my home state has lost a truly great brand.


Woooo what a shave man hi kensurfs good shaving cream


Great shave ken. Love to see ya break out the cool water again soon.


We’re on two separate ends of the spectrum, I live on Long Island the beach for me is Montauk point crazy crazy


Ken, my 7 year old boy who practices wet shaving with me (sans blade) loves watching your reaction when you “feel the burn.” Lol. Classic Surfs. Love it.
🪒 🔥
