Nintendo Going Mobile & Nintendo 'NX' - My Thoughts

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Oh and also, I'm REALLY enjoying Bloodborne. A must-have if you have a PS4.


Please no more gimmicks, Inferior hardware and online and lack of third parties Nintendo...JUST PLEASE!


Shokio uploaded a video!? Time to play my favorite game...TAKE A SHOT WHENEVER SHOKIO SAYS "YOU SEE WHAT I'M SAYING"!


I have no idea why people think that the standard life cycle of a console is 8-10 years like the previous generation.  That was a fluke.  The average is generally 5 or 6 years.  People are crazy nowadays.  Also, Nintendo maybe giving details for the NX in 2016, but I doubt it will be released then.  I say it will be 2017 or 2018 at the latest.  This way we get a solid 5-6 years that is the average life span for a system.

As for what the NX will be I agree with you that the NX will be home and handheld combined.  People have been saying it will be VR.  VR may be all the rage right now, but Nintendo knows better than anyone that VR does not work.  Granted the Virtual Boy was an early attempt at 3D and VR, gamers proved that they wanted the norm.  I highly doubt VR will take off like people think it will.  I have been wrong in the past, but I still doubt it.

PS: What do you guys think about the recent "leak" of Paper Mario TTYD for the 3DS?  I think it is fake.  Do not get me wrong, I would love a TTYD remake, but I would prefer it for the Wii U than 3DS.  It has been too long since we got a proper Mario RPG for the home console.


Next console has to be a hybrid. No exceptions.


Pokemon Shuffle confirmed the whole "going mobile" thing for me.


Nintendo please, drop the gimmicks, stop with the casual retarded names(Wii, Wii U), make a normal great controller(hint evolution of the GameCube controller), improve your online service and maintain it free, put on some powerful hardware, not cheap outdated garbage, easy to develop for developers, get back third party devs. If u can manage all this, huge chance you will win next generation.


Its not just console running handheld games, it's the other way around too. Theyre going to keep the handheld resolution at 480p and buff up the specs, that way the handheld could run wii u level graphics, and all but the most demanding next gen nintendo games will run on both systems.


THANK YOU!! So many people have been talking about the NX being a console and handheld hybrid, it's not! It's gonna be multiple pieces of hardware under the same OS. Iwata talked about this last year, but it seems like everyone's brains shit the bed and chose not to remember that lol.


This was some pretty good insight and thoughts on the Mobile and NX talk.

I really think, what would be interesting in that would be "local experiences", because even though I support the idea you have, I have to acknowledge that Sony did try this and wasn't successful. It's not exactly the same, and what you are proposing would be something that would run better, but I feel like the casual knowledge on "cross play" feature was that it worked fine, and it didn't seem to win many over.

If they can create "local experiences", or rather you play it on the portable and it runs one way, you play it on the console and it runs another, and you play on both at the same time and have access to both. So I know that to the skeptic, this sounds like either too much work, or selling the game in piecemeal form, but the approach I am thinking of is:

1) the system has cloud saves, cross buy, and just a more unified account system.

2) Games can still be made with a prioritized platform, not everything needs to be split evenly, it would just be a selling point to give unique experiences.

3) Still would be optional to developers.

So for example, in the case of Captain Toad as an example, instead of giving a bunch of SM3D world with Captain Toad as bonus levels at the end, maybe they can be unlocked piece by piece in each section, and players can discover hidden tools in the main game's levels that can be used to better explore the 3D world levels with captain toad as you play on the portable.

The idea is just to have a different enough bonus detail to maybe let you play more hardcore, more defined experiences when you own the Nintendo systems. This would be something that really only could be done by a company that supports multiple gaming platforms. Of course, and also to extend this to being compatible with the smartphone titles. There can be a Xenoblade 3 that has a phone app that lets you manage NLA on the phone, and effect the full game on the console, etc. Just the idea to potentially create a community among smartphone gamers, and Nintendo gamers could be huge for them, especially in enticing Non-Nintendo gamers to become a part; because right now it feels like smartphone gamers, console gamers, and pc gamers feel at odds with each other. Maybe that can bridge the gap.


the NX is rumoured to be comin out as early as tommorow actually XD


For fucks sake shok, change the battery on your smoke alarm. Otherwise, good video.


The revolution was being talked about for like 3 years before the Wii's name even became a thing



Actually, that reminds me of a peripheral for the GameCube that was somewhat similar to that - but all it did was just let you play GameBoy advance games on your TV. I think there were certain other side things involved, like "syncing" certain handheld games with the GameCube games, such as Metroid Fusion with Metroid Prime, but all that even did was just add a few cosmetic things or something.


The codename for the next system *is a confirmation* of what the system is going to try! It is going to be the "Fusion" concept we heard about. Why? Think about it :

*"NX"*... "Nintendo X". The letter "X" is the letter which is being used in crossovers and merged franchises. Street Fighter X Tekken, for example. What does Nintendo have to merge that can be put in the hardware area (since we are talking about hardware when talking about NX)? That's right, the only things that can be merged in that area are the home consoles with the handheld ones. So yeah...

P.S.: No, if the codename was meant to be "next", then it would have been something like "NXT".


JayTechTV on his way to make a video crying about you having a wiiu still and a ps4 and say how "nintendo fanboys love bloodbourne" lol he is a joke


It may not have sold the most, but Nintendo *_NEEDS_* to go back to it's Gamecube formula. Heck, go back to the SNES formula: Lot's of multiplats, little to no gimmicks, and actually powerful hardware!! We need to see you prosper Ninty, please listen to us!!


Mobile gaming isn't that bad. It's not just casual shit like Candy Crush and Cut The Rope. There are some really good hardcore games like N.O.V.A. 3, Neon Shadow, Shadowgun, Riptide GP, and Flashout 3D. There's even some really good ports of Sonic 1 and 2.

Plus you can play these games with a bluetooth controller, and you can even hook up your phone to your TV via HDMI.


If Nintendo puts all their handheld games on their home console, they would then be discouraging people from buying the handheld. So instead of their handhelds getting all the sales, their home consoles would sell more but at the expense of the handhelds which have been their bread and butter the last 25 years


I was in shock for a couple of seconds seeing Shokio's face in my subscriber feed. Thoughts to myself: "He has a new video out?"

Something that might have been a good idea even though Nintendo probably wouldn't want to do that and some people would be against it would be to put demos of 3DS and Wii U games on mobile devices. You can charge perhaps a few bucks each. It might be a bit watered down from the original feature wise but it could be one way to get people to buy the new consoles. If you want to play other levels, you'd have to get the game on Wii U or 3DS. Imagine playing one of the levels of New Super Mario Bros. U on an Android or iOS device. 


NX will come next year, but it's the next HANDHELD. The 3DS's successor.
