Harvesting a Cow's Kidney Fat

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We are making beef tallow on the farm. Super healthy and amazing resource.

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Yes! French fries indeed originate from Belgium! It's one of our proudest products. Thanks for telling this.


Great information to know, thank you for sharing Simeon. Hope your family is doing well.


We love rendering lard in our slow cooker, it's so easy. Difficult to beat home raised eggs fried in home raised lard. Many British Fish and Chips restaurants still fry in tallow, you can smell the difference when you walk by.


Man it is damn hard to find tallow unless you go on line and spend lots of money.
You have given me an idea though


Hi- enjoyed your video and your information on diet - I agree! I am so blessed to raise my own beef and benefit so much from eating my home grown food.


So Yummy 😋!
5hanks Simeon!
JO JO IN 🇺🇸 VT 💞💨❄️☃️


I always learned that saturated fats (tallow and lard) are really bad for you because they harden in the arteries while unsaturate fats (vegetable oils) are good because they don't harden and cause blockage in the arteries.

What I learned in school was all bunk?

I love your channel, Simeon and Alex! Welcome to the States!!!


Tallow is amazing. I'm so glad the diet change has helped you so much! We are raising katahdin sheep here in USA and I completely agree parasite resistance is a huge deal. Even as a new shepherd, been doing this for 3 years now, I have only lost 1 animal to parasite and that one was somewhat runty when I first started out and I classify it more as a longer term failure to thrive. We run a 70 to 90 day rest between Grazings and I'm trying to get better at gauging stock density and daily forage allotment so they don't graze to low but the rotational grazing has helped a lot. I personally feel like parasites are one of the hardest things to gauge in stock, not enough feed they'll get thin, not enough water they'll be emptying the trough and fighting when you fill it but parasites are a silent killer.


I will render down the kidney fat from the grass-fed beef we recently put in the freezer. We are looking forward to having the Talo. I have a grinder, so I will use that to make little pieces out of the large chunks to make it easier to render down. I enjoyed watching you do the same task I must do myself. Thanks for the guidance. I live within a couple hours from where you want to relocate. I'm on the Georgia/North Carolina state line in the Northeast Georgia Mountains.


Our neighbours raise Dexter cattle and I remember her saying that she was going to make tallow with the fat. I didn't realise there was so much fat though! Although I remember sheep/hogget/lamb kidneys had lots of fat around them. Would you save the fat to do the same with lamb's kidneys or would it be too much of a flavour? Also the carnivore diet - wow! Never realised it was so good. Thank you for a very interesting video - and oh glands - never seen those before!


How do you safely store all of that until it can be consumed ? Thanks for your reply


Simeon and Alex, when you get here, am looking forward to some of your tallow french fries.


Great video, glad you too find benefits on carnivore diet.


Reminds me that i need to make the butter in the freezer into ghee. Getting decent quality animal fats without raising your own is tricky, buying decent butter much less so.


are you sure that the dark bean size thing inside fat was a gland? i have a feeling that it is something else, like a lymph node maybe.


How do you extract the kidney fat from the cow?


Do you/ wife and your children eat any fruit and vegetables


I have a whole bunch of beef fat in my freezer that needs to be boiled down and turned into tallow.


What is your opinion on "Butterschmalz"? Greetings from Gmunden, Alexandra


Good to see this really informative post. Also glad you are doing carnivore, it has begun to show positively physically but more impressed with the health benefits you are already seeing. If only more people understood the benefits you mention and many others it relieves! No Gerd, joint aches and pains gone etc. etc. etc.! Keep it up! I am praying to that end, you are not alone!🙏
