Pregnant Wife Pushed Off 110ft Cliff While Visiting National Park With Loving Husband

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Kudos to that one nurse who understood and helped her while she was hospitalised. It shed some light on her.


narcissistic abusers are some of the scariest people on the planet. it’s so awful to see how he took advantage of the fact that she’d never experienced any sort of healthy relationship prior to meeting him. i’m so happy that this woman made it out alive.


His sentence has been reduced to 10 years. He's already served approximately 2 years. Makes me concerned about her safety, she's already been through so much pain 😢


Trees broke her fall. A hiker gets lost at that moment and finds her. A Thai nurse just happens to understand Mandarin. If this isn’t divine intervention, I don’t know what is. The universe saved one its best from one of its own evil. This lady is something else. Bravo


Every time Rotten Mango tells a story it’s always feel like we are there witnessing the events unfold. She is such a good narrator.


The fact that she still has faith and is a voice for all young girls all i can say is her parents should be proud they raised a hero in my eyes


As an older almost 50 year old viewer, that letter was in NO way, shape, or form romantic whatsoever! It was more about controlling and what HE wanted. And then to spend the night outside your door?!? Can you say Creepy stalker?? I really wish Ning would have had some girlfriends because they could have advised her all this was NOT ok and to kick him to the curb sooner. As my mother always told me, better off alone than in bad company. I wish all the best for Ning ❤


What a miracle that someone “happened” to find Ming at the bottom of the cliff because they wandered. That’s divine providence. Ming wasn’t supposed to die. What a strong woman. She went through so much.


I’m so thankful she is alive and doing better, such a strong women to pick herself up after one of the most terrifying things that could possibly happen to someone. The way she doesn’t let anything stop her from achieving her goals and recovering is so admirable.


Ning's amazing lifestory deserves a minimum of THREE whole movies:
1) her early wins as a struggling, self-sacrificing businesswoman, who meets Yu once she hits success
2) the over the top "romance" and subsequently rushed marriage (ending in the shocking murder attempt)
3) Ning's EPIC recovery, including justice being served.


I got so many shivers at the slideshow at the end. She truly is such an inspiration and i hope she lives the happiest life onward.


This is insane.. completely disgusting that someone let alone her HUSBAND would do this


This episode was a journey. I just knew she had died after falling. The red flag for me was his rush to marry her, sending the text and waiting outside her house for a response is too intense for that short period of dating. I am amazed she not only survived but overcame that trauma and is an even stronger woman. I hate that she went through the pain but love that she had the final victory in the end. May God bless her


I am so grateful of that hiker who got lost. Not only for the fact that he could get her help, but for the humanity he treated Ning with. Holding her hand and talking to her telling her she’ll be fine. Even in the mose horrifying scenario where she wouldn’t have made it, at least she could pass with hope and a sense of safety.


As a Chinese person “ go die” is an understatement for the Chinese word. The actual words are so harsh and despicable, Stephanie did a great job explaining the meaning.


I watched Ning's video. She also shared before telling people don't visit certain place in Thailand and border near Cambodia. Cause her ex-husband has attempted to sell her off there. She is a smart woman, she was patience, she gathered enough evidence to divorce her ex-husband, and ensuring he is not receiving a single cent out from her and the divorce.


I’m so happy she dived into recovery after all this hardship


also can I just say Stephanie has a knack for story telling. I have a short attention span yet I listened to the whole hour. I was only going to stay for 15 mins and skip through but she walks us through the story as if we were in the position. It’s like reading an audiobook. I’m so glad you turned to podcasts. I loved the mukbang versions but I prefer uninterrupted the story telling


This story was a giant roller coaster of emotions for me. What happened wasn't her fault and I was so happy to see that she grew through what she went through. I have a new role model, so thank you for making me aware of her and her story. This was truly an inspiring story. I out loud cheered and gasped with excitement/shock when the lost hiker found her and when that nurse who spoke mandarin helped her, I was so stoked!! She's beautiful, smart, and tough!! I can't put into words how much this story has changed how I looked at the world.


This expresses perfectly the way a malignant Narcissist can destroy your life.
Thankfully, she survived, and he didn’t get away with it.
Wishing her all the strength and comfort in the Universe to be with her from now on.
