SFV: Juri Tips - Beginner Combos (Definitive Update Edition )

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Want to learn how to play Juri but don't know where to start? Confused by all the combo videos and waffle? Don't know how to KICK good? Well this is the tutorial for you!

In this tutorial I cover what I consider are the core beginner combos to learn before going on to learn the more tricky hit-confirm and link combos. I also cover a primer to Intermediate Combos, jump-ins, punishing, anti-airs and dealing with fireballs :)

I would probably recommend beginners use VS1 as it doesn't require finding time to store a charge and also hits behind (cross-up) so you may get some mileage out of it.
I would recommend using VT1 for beginners, it used to be a 3-bar and now it's 2-bar making it that much better. You can actually chain more normals before Fuharenkyaku but I decided to keep it at 3 to keep things simple for beginners. VT2 is a very tricky link after activation so I wouldn't recommend for Beginners. As you can see from the video it drains your opponent's meter whilst also increasing your own.

The DP (Dragon Punch) motion is used for Tensenrin, the standard motion is f d df. There are two shortcuts; df d df and f df f. You will see I use df d df for cancelling from a crouching attack and f df f I use for her target combo.

For slow or CC punishing you can extend combos with meter. EX Tensenrin for invincibility (wake-up/get off me move) is good otherwise save meter for Critical Art.

Fuharenkyaku basically has two parts. The kick/charge and the attack. Using the correct strength to charge and then again for the attack. The kick is actually -2 on block and combos with lights so you can "end your turn" with charging and be safe!
L - fireball, M - slow kick, H - fast kicks
They can all be cancelled together, generally speaking H Fuha will combo from anything, L Fuha needs to be from mediums at least and M Fuha from s.HP or c.HP. If comboing all three together either go L to H to M or M to L to H if possible.
VT1 gives your permanent Fuharenkyaku charge.
VT2 filles Fuharenkyaku charge on activation.

Been a while since I first looked at Juri and now they've finally given her a good hit-confirm, yay! Juri is also one of the few characters who have a 1-button hit-confirm (b+HK) for beginners to use, use after jump-in to give you extra time to hit-confirm, it's -2 on block so it's safe and out of throw range but you end your turn with it (can cancel into Fuha charge kick).

Also why do all of Juri's moves have Japanese names? Juri is Korean, as it Taekwondo! She was also shafted with her Critical Art, her Ultra Combo from SF4 was way cooler! 4 of the 6 S1 characters just got massive fireballs or a single punch, only 2 actually got a property cutscene super. And yes Capcom did censor her outfit! I think you see her in Cammy's story without the undershirt and then the undershirt magically appears when she is released as a playable character. Just like with R. Mika's CA getting the butt slap cenored and the double muscle buster replaced!

Any questions about the video, combos, character, game, etc. please leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer :)

I think Kolin is next for a Definity Update edition, think I'll also want to look at Abigail, Sakura, Cody, Poison and Lucia but doubt I'll be able to do them all before DNF Duel comes out :)

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Рекомендации по теме

LP - Light Punch, MP - Medium Punch, HP - Heavy Punch, P - Any Punch, PP - 2 Punches
LK - Light Kick, MK - Medium Kick, HK - Heavy Kick, K - Any Kick, KK - 2 Kicks
f - forward, d - down, b - back
s. - standing, c. - crouching, j. - jumping
DP - Dragon Punch (f d df), QCF - Quarter Circle Forward, QCB - Quarter Circle Back,
CC - Crush Counter, CA - Critical Arts, VS - V-Skill, VT - V-Trigger
xx - cancel, > - link (top line)


This is going to be my first street fighter game and Juri’s gonna be my first main I’m just getting all of this memorized till SF6.


third combo in and i'm already struggling
my fingers can't go that fast wth T - T
time to grind it for the next 5 hours


prr e essa de letras o bagulho e quadrado triângulo e x e bola desse jeito eu nunca vou aprender jogar o street fight


I was just doing some training as Juri earlier and kept trying to link the H Fuha to DP, but didn't even think of linking it to M Fuha. This has been a third eye opener for a new player like myself. Thanks


Gonna use this to prepare me for juri in sf6 lol


You deserve more subs for this great work. I wonder if you're interested in expanding from just combos but also to things like real life examples. I find myself getting good at combos but I'm getting crossed up and messed up on ranked because I can't get IN to my combos, does that make sense? Seeing some example matches of what to do might be helpful for beginners too.


0:18 in case anyone is wondering the notation is wrong, it's supposed to be (df+lp - d - df+LP) i didnt read the top line that says "L TENSENRIN" was just reading the notation and kept trying to cancel h.dp into super which dont work. it's l.dp.


Full EX Fuha can cancel into VT2, and u can make the opponent stand


for beginner combos these are really fuckin hard for me😭


the most stupid controls in fighting game is street fighter i dont know how to do any combos


Not sure if its in the video, but whats the most damage you can get in a combo that realistic in game to get?


Impossible links during VT1 drains the meter?


Hi I'm new to fighting games in general and chose Juri. I'm focusing on pokes, anti airing and one basic DP punish (the combo at 1:00), but I'm losing rounds since I do fuck all for damage lol. Which combos do you think I should integrate into my gameplay? I use cr. MK and MK for poking, cr. HP and HP for anti airing and I'm in Rookie.


i did not understand a single symbol used on your screen, Im an MK player, i play on a controller and very new to SF. this vid did nothing at all to help me get into it, its just as confusing and runic as the other videos.


This is hurting my brain, I'm fairly new and omg augh its so frustrating. I can't link the special after the spinny attack. I can't link ANYTHING after LP. It feels like the special comes out instantly after the spinny kick, but the CPU blocks it. I can't do cr. LP into spinny kick at all, I either go to fast and the game doesn't give me my spinny kick, and instead she just punches twice, or I go too slow and it's blocked.


homie just say the shit out loud damn ur making solve math equations with all this text and cross referencing i gotta do. i just wanna punch in video game cmon T_T


im very confused on how to chain H fuha into M fuha you do it so seamlessly
i cant do it for the life of me


Do you have a text version of all of this?


I feel like alot of mortal kombat players might come over to SF6. A MK to SF guide might be pretty good.
