Olinda unopenga zvàke ndabvuma benzi zvaro zvino Dyonne wawaiseka mahure akarongeka munin'ina wa Dyonne ava mukadzi wechi 2 wa collin mnangagwa and they're young even stunner achiri kuda Dyoñne and vanopisa iwe wachembera Stunner haakudei mbuya Kuchekwa nyama kunge uchafa uchikwikwidzana nevana vadiki.ngoma huru, annex Orinda madness
This family is just chaos & chaotic. Rudo you were wrong for coming in social media and out olinda’s business regardless of her concerns. It’s sooo unfortunate kuti olinda’s betrayal always come from the ones close to her. They are always telling the public her personal issues. Had Rudo not confirmed she is vulnerable we all would have ignored the rumours that she’s mentally not ok. Pray for Olinda ya’ll she’s not ok and it’s sooo visible when she does not have a filter on kuti life is taking a toll on her. Keep her in prayers. This is a sad situation for everyone involved.
Olinda downfall yake Varume... she loves men too much and she cant do without them. Please dayi amira kutenga love ne mari hazvishande
Olinda should be allowed to spend her monies however & with whoever she fancies…she’s of sound mind and mature enough to spoil & be spoiled with whoever she chooses😮!
Disorder yega yega Olinda is right hake bcz it’s her life sis vagotanga nekubuda masaga Pa live before checking on olinda. People or family members shld stay out of ma Pvt life emunhu
Hanzi uri muzvikwereti nenyaya yaStunner😂
Which Country is Stunner nhaimi. I hope not in UK.
Stunner na olinda vachiri ngoshupana nanhasi guys move on mhani
Ko iwe waitirei live Itai zvekuenderana kumainbox
Mbinga is in debt because of side dude
Vasatsvage ma likes nema views using situation ye mumwe