How To Get A Girl To LIKE YOU Over Text (5 Rules Every Guy Should Know)

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Video reveals the ONE THING a guy needs to become a “natural” at having playful, engaging interactions with girls in person, online or over text

In this video Marni shares her 5 rules that every guy must follow for texting. If you follow these rules you will be able to text a girl you like so she likes you back. 5 Texting Rules EVERY Guy Should Follow (Gets Girls To Like You)

Top dating advice for men coming directly from a woman! Marni is now your personal Wing Girl and she's going to tell you how to attract women, date women, seduce women and get any woman you want. She's helped 100's of thousands of men around the world be more confident with women so they can make women want them. Now she'll do the same for you!
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If a girl likes you, it takes almost zero effort.. Or zero! So don't waste time unless she is easy to get... Not worth it if it requires to much... Truth


"Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss


Just remember a great pillar of life ― not responding is also a response.


1.- Open the right way: Stand out with your message with emotion texts. Playfully, while high value.
2.-Mantain the right tone: make it playful, interesting and high value questions, flirty conversations.
3.-Show high standard: don’t please them. Make them work for you, don’t always agree with her, don’t be too available, don’t compliment too much.
4.-Don’t be predictable about what you’re going to say or do. Say something new everyday. Change time of texting her. The things you tell her. Etc etc
5.- Make move fast


I’ve done the creative, witty & funny opening text and got no response, And also done the simple Hey wats up and got full cooperation. So moral of story is if she has high interest in you she’ll respond. Don’t need to overthink it


Boys, never chase. Work on your self. Work on integrity. Give to the poor when you can. The important people we're meant to rendezvous with are already destined. BTW, a girl who "responds" to a game player wants games. What you want is a genuine relationship with someone who cares about you and loves who you really are.


I am a woman... and honestly... if a guy texts me “you have a smile like my future toxic girlfriend” or “... who will get a dog after our divorce”... I wouldnt answer... Guys - just be yourself and dont try too hard to be so cool.. do whats natural for you.. The right woman will notice you ❤️👍🏻


Excellent advice! So many guys including myself think you just text but it isn’t that easy. I remember getting criticized for having my text be too verbose (way too wordy). Great advice! Thanks so much!


*I’ve found that asking open-ended questions really keeps the convo flowing. Plus, a little mystery goes a long way!*


I find it better to meet woman in person. I hate texting and online dating.


Great advice.
I follow these rules with girls, and I can feel their attraction in the messages they write.
I think the best tips are being high value and unpredicable in your speech within the frame of being playful.
Thank you, Marni for your efforts in clarifying texting.


Rule 1: I answered her with a heyyy and something funny, yes it was not the best, but it goes, she writes back.
Rule 2: we talked about some movies and a bit about school but most of the time it was not funny text.
Rule 3: I wrote to her in normal way.
Rule 4: sometimes I wrote back short time after other several hours if not days.
Rule 5: I asked her if she would like to come over in vacation for a movie night.

I was rejected because of covid-19 and she wrote otherwise she would like to com. she still writes to me.

Does she like me?

And yes my first language is not English and I am dyslexic so do not mind the my grammar plzz.


8:00 Break patterns
Speaking from firsthand experience, the audio messages DO work. Sometimes the girl you're texting might be at work and might not have time to read a lengthy text. Plus, as Marni said, she's probably getting TEXTs from everyone else, so if she sees your audio notification, she'll more likely listen to that first.

Don't respond to texts immediately all the time. It's fine here and there. I would also add: Don't text her EVERY DAY. Let a day or two pass before texting her. It's not so much the "ignoring tactic" but more so, to do something for yourself. Remember: YOU are important too! You're High Value! Your time is precious and you're not just going to give it away so freely. Do something worthwhile so when you do text her, you have something to talk about.


definitely need this right now. Just met a girl who is finally at the same caliber of me in terms of profession (she's a doctor / i'm a marketing head and business owner), social status, and outlook of life. we had a first meet up just yesterday ( i'm not cool with calling it a date - yet).

I know the texting game is a delicate science, especially with busy, no nonsense woman. I want to make sure i pursue her correctly with positivity, and see where things go.

I'm not a subscriber. watched about 6 vids in just the past half hour, and i'm hooked. you're awesome.
by the way, love the track you use in your intro. what is that? definitely my type of jam!


I'm going to use Marni's tips on Marni.


Aight, dudes. If she isn't giving you anything to work with at all. She isn't worth the time. This is something for men to take a stand on. The only thing I agree with in this video is that in person interaction is the most important part of it all. I might not be the best with women. But I do respect myself enough now to say that if she isn't gonna put out any effort in responding with more than a few bland words, she isn't worth your effort. Stand unanimous on this and the whole game gets easier I guarantee.


Wow! It took you seemingly forever to get to 500k subscribers, and now your well on your way to 600k... You rock!


This video offers a lot of information, can be overwhelming, just make friends with her and flirt, look for signals, that's it. It, prioritize confidence. Its a muscle it takes practice for most people, you need to use it alot to get good at it.


Honestly, I think this is the best video you have made. Excellent advice and easily to execute. This is kind of a textbook thing for men or women.


Man this video has made me think I'm way to much of a nice guy when texting and I literally open messages asking how she is. I have no hope 🤦
