Distortion and EMP test - 3.16 - Star Citizen

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Hello all,

I did some testing with various ships varying in size from a small light fighter, up to a larger ship such as the Hammerhead or Carrack and C2.

I skipped adding the video for doing the EMP test against the ships when they had their shields up, as none of the ships were shutdown or impacted as expected. I did however include the footage for testing the EMP against the ship with the shields down just to see if the EMP was impacting all ships.

EMP does appear to be working as expected, when a shield face is down the EMP does in fact shutdown the ship as you would expect.

In previous patches, the Cannon's used to have slightly better reach for components based on the plume/radius of the explosion and it worked for all cannons including the Suckerpunches.

The ships I picked were totally random, and really just wanted to reexamine distortion damage weapons on varying ship sizes.

Sharing with yall, hope you find this informative.

Ion 1:03
Gladius 1:52
Carrack 2:22
Titan 3:42
C2 4:11
600i 5:14
Hammerhead 5:58

Update at the END slide, there are two columns named the same by mistake. They are supposed to show Repeaters and next column Cannon's. Regardless, they both work correctly. Apologies and good job to Tukki for catching this!

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This doesn't seem to be a great test... a few issues:

1. EMP should be used AFTER a target's shields are down. I know you mentioned in the Desc that this was an intentional test being shown, but as it wasn't stressed in the VO, I think people might continue to misunderstand how EMP is best used.

2. Distortion weapons need to hit the internal COMPONENT in order to do effective distortion damage and shut it down. In other words, you need to know where, say, the Power Plant physically is on a ship, and hit it repeatedly. This will cause a distortion dmg build-up over time and eventually cause the Power Plant to reboot, shutting the ship off for the reboot time as specified on Erkul per power plant Grade/Type. Spraying distortion damage with repeaters all around the ship, as was shown, is not a good way to be effective if the goal is to disable a ship. It worked against small fighters simply because their physical components are so tightly packed in as to be hit by the splash damage of distortion weaponry. Learn the location of each Power Plant and snipe it to be most effective.

3. The EMP has the advantage of doing AOE distortion damage and will hit all components as long as it's detonated within about 250m. However, its effective range is much smaller compared to distortion weaponry, requires significant charge-up and cooldown times. However, distortion does build up, stack and can be maintained to keep a ship off indefinitely between EMP and distortion repeaters, for example. It's also important to note that an EMP's charge percentage impacts both its effective range and how much damage the burst does. So, if you're releasing your EMP before full charge, you aren't doing the full distortion damage it can do. Similarly, after 250m, the farther you are from the target, the less distortion damage you do with an EMP.

4. MFD shutdown does not necessarily mean ship shutdown. You should have the target pilot constantly trying to do mini maneuvers to know if the ship is totally off (or keep an eye out for when the ship loses all station-keeping thrusters and starts listing/floating through space). The target ship's EM output will be zero/flatlined during this period. However, if even a small amount of EM is still shown, the ship may be MFD dark/instrument blind, but the pilot may be still have thruster control. The Carrack at 2:38, for example, had 11597 EM before the EMP. It went MDF-dark, but since the max EMP distortion damage possible is 2750, the pilot of the target ship would still have plenty of control. The same w/ the 600i tests... you fired until the MFDs went off, but there was still about 10, 000 EM "health" in the ship as shown by the 600i's MDFs just before they went dark. The pilot of the 600i still would have had control of the ship.


Whats with the ignorant music? What a JOKE!


Damn awful music, speak during your tests


Music as loud or louder than your voice.


Good test, and it's obvious that shield needed to be ripped in order to do "emp" or "distortion" damage. So these weapons are good to use with squad.
But i use two "gimbaled distortion" and two "gimbaled laser" repeater in my cutlass black. And one "s3 distortion repeater" one "panther" and one "rhino" in my avenger titan. This loadout works on "Hammerhead" or this class of ships withount any issue. People afraid of anvil hurricane, anvil Valkyrie or vangaurd or other ships but i don't care just straight toward the target and distroy it with the loadout mentioned abow.


Great show case but you only emp'd the ships without a shield. ALL pilots would've had their shields on. EMP damages shields but legit does nothing. You have to take a shield down first and the Raven only has 2 s3.

It also bugs out in PU. CIG NNEEEDDDS to give the Raven lots of love
