State Investigates Fraud Claims Against Huge RV Dealer - Ep. 7.460

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Allegations of "smudged" contracts and numbers that don't add up . . .
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Steve, thank you for featuring our reporting on your channel. I appreciate your insight. Would love to collaborate some time in the future.


"We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong." -General RV


We should get credit hours for watching Professor Lehto's lectures.


Interesting story Steve. My wife and I recently took out a home equity loan. After we finished signing all the documents at the closing, the bank representative, never leaving her office, slid a paper folder across her desk to us and said "Here are copies of all the documents that we just signed. Thanks for your business." I looked at her and said "Uh, no! Those are not the documents we just signed." She looked at us dumbfounded. Like a deer in the headlights look. Then said "Ohhhh, would you like a copy of the *signed* documents?" I said "You're darned right I do!" So she gathered up the signed documents and ran to the copy machine for about 15 minutes returning to give us copies of all the signed documents for the loan. I only say this because the loan came from a very large bank here in the midwest and it seemed to me like they intentionally do not want you to have copies of the signed loan. I mean, why in the world would they have copies of the unsigned documents already printed out and ready to hand to you? So if there is a mistake that they can correct it with or maybe without the borrower knowing? I hope everyone that watches this video takes your advice and gets copies of all of the *signed* paperwork and not just "unsigned copies of the documents" when they're signing legal binding contracts.


I love how companies are always like "our internal investigation shows that we did nothing wrong"


My ex-partner's 84-year-old mother bought a Dodge car many years ago. She got done paying her four years of car payments, but then the dealer claimed that she still had six more months to go! Of course, she could not find her copies of the original contracts she signed. So she ended up having to pay six more months of car payments than the four year loan she thought she had agreed to. Always keep your documents.


I bet it's more than just Utah dealerships.


I found the news article and I know those contracts very well. It's a bankers contract - Wolters kluwer. My job is literally to make the printer print that information. The 119/1 was printed and the 240 stamped over. Whether it was stamped before or after the customer signed who knows and the bank should have rejected that within seconds.


As if RV owners don’t have enough headaches already.


Wouldn't it be nice for a person accused of fraud to be able to say that they completed a self investigation and found nothing wrong. lol ;)


RV company in Washington has numerous suits but changes ownership to someone else with the same last name.


I literally waited for that video. Since I got recommended the first Fox13 video of this, I thought "Wouldn't that be something for Steve?".
Good to know I thought so not alone.


One of my relatives worked for a Bank's loan center and she told me how careless and incorrect a lot of paperwork was. The Bank should have checked these contracts.


I caught one of these in real time at a closing. I compared my copy and the original; spotted a profound difference in the interest rate. Fixed vs variable with potential to go very high, plus starting out a full point higher than what I had signed.
I tore up the copy they had handed me as "mine" and demanded a fresh copy of the original, with initials from all parties on every page, including a witness. Since I had already taken pictures of the two side by side and threatened to call the attorney general, they gave in.


Update of the investigation, if watching now (3/22/22). No charges filed for the four involved. None work at the dealer any longer. Believed "Mastermind" no long in Utah. Other 3 still work in finance. Watch out in Utah.


"Smudge" = criminal acts and this story has only just begun. LOTs more Action coming & with that I'll
thank you for telling us b/c I was looking to buy an RV & guess who ain't getting my business?
peace & GB ALL


They can’t explain away the incorrect math errors at the top of the TILA document. Right there is your smoking gun.


I'm building a Skoolie, all modern and made by hand. All mine.


There are four cases to related issues here in Florida with general RV it's been on the news same issues. They didn't smudge the payments they typed over it which you can originally see one to 40 and they typed over it 120 and they added a massive balloon payment at the end of the loan so now they're being sued here in Florida


Hundo, unfolded, leaning against the middle mic, or the fifth mic from the right, on the center of the top of the main cabinet. 110.
