Borderlands 3 | Top 10 Legendary Weapons in the Entire Game - Best Guns in Borderlands 3

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In this video I count down the Top 10 Legendary Weapons in Borderlands 3, these are the Best Guns in the Entire Game that every elite vault hunter has to have. I show you what they do, who drops them and give you tips on how to make them more powerful.

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Top 10 Legendary Weapons in DLC 3:

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This comment is a list of guns and where they show up in the video. For all of these guns, SGZ explains:

1) Where/when they drop
2) Best place to farm
3) Possible elemental flavors
4) Which heroes they work best for/synergies if applicable
5) Why it's strong/how strong it is
6) What you can do to make it better/ensure you're using it to it's fullest potential;
*So I highly suggest watching the whole video or section for whichever weapon you're interested in.*

0:42 *Sand Hawk: Sniper; Dahl.*
Fires seven projectiles that flap like a bird during travel, high damage per projectile, high fire rate.
1:55 *Backburner: Rocket Launcher; Vladof.*
Always elemental; shoots orbs that explode more orbs and creates singularities. Mobs still have to be fairly grouped for best effect.
2:52 *Beacon: Pistol; Maliwan.*
Splash Damage; once charge is up, can release whole clip before needing to recharge. Fairly steep recoil. (S-Soldier 76?) Releases novas on reload.
3:56 *Tizzy: SMG; COV*
I can't paraphrase this one.
4:52 *Hellwalker: Shotgun; Jacobs.*
Always incendiary. Plays Doom Guy (short heavy metal guitar) sound on shot. Double barrel; uses 2 ammo per shot. Animation shoots twice like the Doom DBShotgun.
6:08 *Flipper: Pistol; Maliwan*
(Doesn't help you swim :( Exclusive to DLC 3) Splash Damage, fires more projectiles the longer you fire up to 9 per shot. (And so much more.)
7:30 *Face-Puncher: Shotgun; Hyperion*
Deals your melee damage instead of gun damage. Benefits greatly from supporting items that increase your melee damage making this useful for all Vault Hunters.
8:52 *Plasma Coil: SMG; Maliwan*
Always shock & radiation. Once charged, unleashes 16 projectiles before needing to recharge making it great for bursting mobs. Deals splash damage.
9:59 *The Monarch: Assault Rifle; Vladof*
Can't paraphrase this one.

*Honorable Mentions* 11:22
11:31 *The Convergence: Shotgun; Hyperion.* (DLC 4)
(Red Text:) Fires three additional pellets for each listed pellet and all of the pellets converge on the enemy.
12:01 *Star Helix: AR; Dahl*
Similar to Monarch. Best in close range because (Red Text:) Fires 2 additional projectiles that follow the main projectile in a horizontal oscillating path (which cannot be brought closer together).
12:35 *Prompt Critical: Pistol; Torgue* (DLC 4)
Better on Moze than the Beacon.
13:14 *Plaguebearer: Rocketlauncher; Torgue*
Better suited for mobbing than the Backburner as mobs don't have to be as grouped. Must be charged before it can fire.
13:56 *Boogeyman: Sniper; Vladof*
Splash damage, high chance to not consume ammo, chance to spawn a Boogeyman on kill that will seek out enemies.

*Number 1*
14:44 *Light Show: Pistol; Vladof*
Not lacking in any area, it's the best gun for all VH's! Watch the clip to find out why!


I can't express how glad I am to finally find a top ten list that does NOT include the Anarchy even in the honorable mentions. I really appreciate that. It takes way too much setup and commitment to get any kind of damage out of the thing.


For me, you’re right up there with Joltz and K6. LOVE your content man, please keep it up!!


I tested the Beacon vs the Hellshock on Graveward and I used my Flak Fade Away build. The Beacon and the Hellshock were near identical and both were fire and had a almost similar anointments (The Beacon had a 200% while action skill is active and the Hellshock had a 100% extra dmg while Fade Away). The Hellshock still outperformed the Beacon, but slightly. For reference, the last test I did, The Hellshock required about 1.9 mags to kill the Ward and the Beacon required about 2.0 to 2.1 mags to kill the Ward. In my opinion, I still kind of prefer the Hellshock XD But the Beacon does deal splash, has a nova effect and has more variety, but for me, the Hellshock is more specialised and easy to use (aside from the recoil).


Yeah, I prefer Plaguebearer to Backburner also. Easier farm, and unlike BB, mobs don't have to be grouped to be taken out en masse. Both are awesome, though.


My best gun is Subsized butcher.
Especially with fade away FL4K


Another fantastic video! Thank you so much! Keep up the great work!


Zane is absolutely beast with the hellwalker and would even say he is the best with it. Hellwalker with shoulder cannon with the No Way Out augment is too satisfying. Plus, you can literally pretend to be the Doom Slayer with Zane's shoulder cannon and hellwalker lol.


The hellwalker is an amazing gun for zane because his accuracy boost and reload spread makes it basically an infinity pistol meets sniper rifle meets too powerful of a shotgun. I also don't get how the breath of dying is never on these lists.


And I'm here, a layman, running around with koos, soulrender(?) and hellwalker on mayhem 1. Speaking of hellwalker, I had 6, most of them in world drops. Two of them from blastplains.


Just subbed to you channel. My favourite is and always has been the infinity pistol .


Obviusly best gun of the game is the fakobs


Noice!! Love these kinds of videos. It’s like a checklist for me and most people.


That's the video i was waiting for


The white Elephant face puncher combo I didn't know about ... I'm logging on to try it now that looks fun af tbh


Recently got back into it, Jesus! Amaras new tree is crazy!
Got it blended with with green tree, as part of a facepuncher build.
Got an artifact for making melee cryo.. absolutely horrendous amounts of damage!


i dont even play BL3 anymore but i still watch this channel


I have discovered Lightshow about 3 weeks agos. I destroyed mayem 11 with only this gun (fire elem) nasty af


Not surprising that the lightshow is number 1 xD


SpartanGameZone: The best firing mode for the Monarch is...

Monarch: Yes
