[PS4] Super Bomberman R | PlayStation Exclusive Characters (No Commentary)
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Exclusively to the PS4 version of the game, you can play as Ratchet & Clank, Toro Inoue, or Piposaru (a Pipo Monkey from Ape Escape) in any mode in Super Bomberman R, courtesy of Sony Interactive Entertainment (I think). Comment below on who's your pick out of the 3, and don't forget to comment, like, and subscribe for more Bomberman gameplay soon!
00:00 - Intro A (Theme: PlayStation 20th Anniversary)
00:11 - Intro B (Theme: PlayStation 20th Anniversary)
00:23 - Ratchet & Clank Bomber (Speed Type)
04:50 - Toro Inoue Bomber (Unique Type)
07:15 - Piposaru Bomber (Unique Type)
17:07 - Outro (Theme: PlayStation 20th Anniversary)
#anime #animegames #apeescape #bomberman #bonuscontent #crossover #guestcharacters #konami #konamigames #onlyonplaystation #playablecharacters #playstation #playstation4 #playstationgameplay #playstation4games #ps4 #ps4exclusive #ps4gameplay #ps4games #ratchetandclank #ratchetandclankps4 #saturdayshenanigans #saturdaystuff #sharefactory #sharefactoryps4 #sonyinteractiveentertainment #sonyinteractiveentertainment #superbombermanr #toroinoue #videogamecharacters #videogames #ボンバーマン #スーパーボンバーマンR
00:00 - Intro A (Theme: PlayStation 20th Anniversary)
00:11 - Intro B (Theme: PlayStation 20th Anniversary)
00:23 - Ratchet & Clank Bomber (Speed Type)
04:50 - Toro Inoue Bomber (Unique Type)
07:15 - Piposaru Bomber (Unique Type)
17:07 - Outro (Theme: PlayStation 20th Anniversary)
#anime #animegames #apeescape #bomberman #bonuscontent #crossover #guestcharacters #konami #konamigames #onlyonplaystation #playablecharacters #playstation #playstation4 #playstationgameplay #playstation4games #ps4 #ps4exclusive #ps4gameplay #ps4games #ratchetandclank #ratchetandclankps4 #saturdayshenanigans #saturdaystuff #sharefactory #sharefactoryps4 #sonyinteractiveentertainment #sonyinteractiveentertainment #superbombermanr #toroinoue #videogamecharacters #videogames #ボンバーマン #スーパーボンバーマンR