Let's Talk About: Why Music Connects Us

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I agree with you, Lea. The sacred sound of Ohm, mantras, chants, singing bowls are ancient ways of generating a shared frequency. I love how you raise that we are also connecting with the frequency of the composer, performer, and with anyone who has ever sung that song before. That’s cosmic! Sound waves travel thru space for eternity so whatever we are projecting is the message we are sending the universe.


Fascinating! I need to do more research on how music helps people suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia. I've got fond childhood memories of dancing around while my dad played his piano.


Now your ideas have me wondering about so much!

There is something more/new/different possible with music (than without it) - something that makes us sometimes speak of music as “good medicine” (for what ails us)…. Something catalytic, transformative and transcendent…like seeds…

You have me wondering about (for instance) the impact of language when it is included in music, about the breath before the sung word, about making vs. “receiving” music, about how a singer’s intake of breath allows them to then produce sung sound, about the impact of coordinated breathing in a group, about the impact which producing sung sounds may have on one’s own body and consciousness as well as simultaneously “putting something out into the universe” which other beings experience… about a span of human’s and non-human-animals’ experience of sound and rhythm - and over time- …about how humans might experience connection through music when the “built structure” of a piece of music includes words (already known to the listener/participant/singer) … about how unknown words “land” differently… maybe as sound and vibration free from taught&learned thoughts… about vibrations’ origins and their “life span” -and transmission- through and among beings…over time

Sparks flying around amidst all these wonderings 🌱🥰
