FAA Employees Threatened With Termination If They Try To “Impede” Elon Musk’s Takeover

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Employees at the Federal Aviation Administration have officially been put on notice that if they attempt to “impede” Elon Musk’s takeover of the contract currently held by Verizon, they will be immediately terminated. Musk is dying to get that contract for his own company, Starlink from SpaceX, and now he’s threatening to get rid of anyone at the Department that tries to stand in his way. This is a hostile government takeover by an unelected megalomaniac, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

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Elon Musk wants that internet connectivity contract with the Federal Aviation Administration so badly that he can taste it. The only problem that he has, of course, is that that contract is currently being held by Verizon. I think it's like a $2.4 billion contract and you know, kind of hard to just cancel that because a contract is a legal agreement. But Elon Musk wants his star link to replace the Verizon connectivity. And last week you had officials at the FAA instructing the employees go find the money so that we can give the contract to starlink. And that story got an extra wrinkle this week when it was reported that FAA employees have now been told. Not only do you have to find the money, but if you in any way try to impede Elon Musk's takeover of this contract, you will be fired on the spot. This memo was sent out to employees at the FAA telling them that if you stand in the way, if you try to prevent Elon Musk, the unelected weirdo that is now apparently running the entire federal government, if you don't give him billions of dollars, your will be fired.

That is what they're saying to the FAA employees. And it happened as Bloomberg reported after a SpaceX engineer came and visited the FAA late last week. Bloomberg's sources say that SpaceX engineer Ted Melaca last month came to the FA Thea's headquarters in Washington, DC and gave employees what he described as a directive from Musk himself to immediately start work on a program to deploy thousands of the company's starlink satellite terminals to support the National Airspace system. They were given 18 months to complete this task and were told that they would be reported directly to Musk should they impede progress on it. If you don't do, as we say, if you throw up any roadblocks at all, I'm going and I'm telling Mr. Elon himself, the man who has no government authority. He is not an appointed anything. He was not elected by anybody in this country. But by God, we'll go tattle to him and he will fire your on the spot. Do it. That's my advice. That is my advice to FAA employees. Do it. Go ahead, defy them. Let Musk try to fire you.

So far every single court case that has been brought against this administration with regards to the firing of federal workers every ruling, everyone without exception, has gone in favor of the fired federal workers. Trump has overstepped his bounds, he has overplayed his hand, so has Elon Musk. This is another part of that. So let them try it, let them go. Complain to Elon Musk, that employee number 5 2 7 is not complying. And he's trying to say that we can't legally do this 'cause you legally can't. You already awarded the contract to another company that is providing services. You can't just terminate that at will. You have to pay out the full amount no matter what. Elon Musk is orchestrating a hostile government takeover, and it's not because he cares about this country and he wants to see America be great again. It's not because his heart goes out to you, it's because he wants more money. The world's wealthiest man wants more money and he doesn't care whose lives he destroys in order to get it.
Рекомендации по теме

Musk doesn't just want "more" money: he wants ALL the money of the world!


Musk makes me sick. What an a-hole. He’s learning that you don’t always get what you want.
Rolling Stones


Essentially Elon Musk is the rich spoiled brat who can't take NO for an answer.


Verizon should already have a lawsuit ready to file


Not a fan of Verizon but I hope they sue him.


All of Elon's government contracts should be halted due to conflicts of interest, and he should not be awarded a single taxpayer dollar until he stands before Congress


All FAA employees should walk off the job, shut air travel down in the U.S. completely.


If every FAA employee joined together and said if Musk comes in we are all out!


Musk desperately needs this contract to make up for the money he's going to lose over Tesla.


Come on FAA…Shut down the skies! Stand up to these Goons!


No business with Musk boycott him and business.


He should be put in prison for extortion


How is this Democracy? Who voted Musk for President???


Why cancel townhalls when you have a 49 percent “mandate”? 😂


What I don't understand is that all of America sees this happening over and over again, yet nothing is being done to stop it or him. I didn't vote for this S.O.B.


Time for an FFA shut down. Stop all air traffic until the courts rule.


If everyone walked out and ground air traffic to a halt...


Bull crap on Elonia. He thinks he’s in Russia.


Everyday something insane is happing, Im so fed up with this bullshit 😤.


Stand up to that bully. He has no legal right to fire you.
