Roe v Wade: 40 Years On... The Legal History & Future of Reproductive Rights

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The legal history and future of reproductive rights. What of abortion in the United States? Will the Supreme Court weigh in at some point in the future? Program 1308.

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The problem with this debate is that we don’t honor each other’s right to have our own and differing points of view. We need to stop using force and laws to impose and control others and live by the nature of this great nation, freedom.


You cannot deny the liberty of one person for the sake of another. The Preamble defines the principles to which the Constitution applies. It clearly is meant to establish rights to the "unborn person" in the phrase "...and secure (protect) the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..." You simply cannot define "posterity" and omit the unborn person. Roe v Wade decision fails on this fundamental argument.


Men need to file a class action lawsuits against the state on performing abortions without their fathers consent. Denied the right to the fathers privacy because of the part of the fetus in the women body who he help create. Also denied the 14 Amendment equal protection of law, life liberty and persue of happiness. Because when a child is born the father pays child support.


Why should the government continue to pay for an unwanted pregnancies?


Life is sacred and as we become aware we will realize that.
Having said that, we need to honor the right of the woman to choose. As we evolve in consciousness life will be honored more and abortions will tend to eventually no longer be chosen.


Women & girls have the right to choose.


Thank God! Roe & Casey are gone now.


Most women who have abortions do not regret it. They have a profound sense of relief. The fetus (which is a fetus until it is born) is subordinate to a woman's body. Women throughout history have found ways to abort an unwanted pregnancy however, the methods were extremely dangerous and so is pregnancy and delivery. Once modern technology arrived pregnancy and delivery became much safer as did abortions. But, abortion was illegalized in the 1800's for the first time in history. Pregnancy and delivery today is very safe but, there are still complications with pregnancy and delivery that can result in death for both the fetus and the woman. (This is the only place in modern medicine where we think it should be left up to god's will?). Women in modern times have reached far more equality than any other time in history.  Women are not forced into marriage anymore and they should not be force to carry a pregnancy to full term if they do not want to become a parent. And only the individual woman has the right to her own self determination. It is up to her and her doctor to determine what is best. It is also, completely barbaric to expect women to give up their lives due to a pregnancy. If you don't believe in abortion don't have one. I don't believe in any god why should your belief trump our lives? 


ok we just have to save them all, its not a joke anymore, its lives..


the judge asked the lady solicitor if texas has any laws on unborn children being given property rights, she then says that only if the child is born alive.. so is she saying that while it is in the womb it is not alive? if so then she is wrong !! the judge should have picked up on this...
if however she is saying that the child is only alive once it comes out the womb, then that means it is a matter of location that determines if you are a human or not. (which obv don't make sense)
and the final argument to be had is that the child is relying on the mothers life support to be alive, so it is does not have human rights anymore, so are we saying that when people are on life support in the hospital they seize to be human? I do not think so..
this case was just a sham.. the bible tells us that these things would come to pass and god said he will give them up to their reprobate mind
