Are they coming back? Will they return? PICK A CARD Tarot Reading (Timeless)

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Welcome to Lumiere Tarot

Hey – my name is Clair Summer. This channel is dedicated to bringing you intuitive tarot readings for your heart and soul. I hope you enjoy it. Love and best wishes xx

This Pick a Card reading is timeless. Time is not linear and is more fluid than our usual understanding and so if you discover this reading then there may be a message here for you. Use your intuition to guide you. If this message doesn’t resonate with you, feel peaceful and find the one that does.

Disclaimer: Please use the information offered responsibly. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions. Caution: Language may be strong at times.


Time Stamps

Group 1 - 1:54
Group 2 - 9:41
Group 3 19:48
Group 4 28:28

Kindly Note: I do not 'cherry pick' my cards for the best outcome. My readings are genuine. I connect with Spirit to bring you the message that the universe has for you. Trust that everything is working out for your highest good. Blessings xx




These are a few of my favourite decks and oracle cards:


This is the equipment I use:

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#3, i just can't get rid of them. i've tried, and it didn't work. i've tried again, and no. even when i cut them off i still yearn for them and i can feel their energy around me. we are super connected n i've never had this connection with anyone ever.


#2 I really want him to come back. Everyone deserve a chance isn't that right😇


#2 resonates so well with my current situation based on the energy at the moment. Hope the energy will shift and the person I’m thinking will change the energy in a couple of weeks or months. But you are right that the clarity is coming to me and I have been really focusing on myself and reflecting. So far he has been stuck and pulling back. This is also his journey that he needs to learn. No one can help him. Life has ups and downs. If he always chooses to pull away when there is difficulty in future, I don’t think he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. IF one day he at least is willing to open up towards me, and IF I am still available, I will be happy to be there with him learning together. Love myself cos I really deserve a great man.


#3. So happy to hear it!! I am releasing all negativity and allowing him to come forwards towards me. *Affirmation* I AM IN COMMITTED LOVING RELATIONSHIP WITH MY LOVE A.Y


#2 we're not soulmates we're twin flames. All of our numbers match up. Destiny, life path, souls urge and more.


I picked group 2 and when you said about not coming back, I was like: why?" and then you assured that it doesn't mean he's not coming back forever. It just right now, he isn't coming back because he has fears and I think I knew what you meant by that because of the last video I watched. Which I realize has its connection about him in the future. So as for now, I will focus on loving myself and have positive energy till he comes back.


Picked #3. I feel the connection still. I am letting go of all the bad and concentrating on the good and the positive. I appreciate all the experiences and the feelings I have. I am being thankful for each and everything and expecting the better outcome that I want. ❤️


I picked #3. I hope to hear from him soon! Thank you, Clair!


Picked number 4! There's no 3rd party💖 absolutely resonated with me.

My partner still loves me and wants to come back. He loves me dearly. We have a huge huge huge opportunity for a fresh start with each other. This is just so beautiful.


#3 was so true. I was instantly drawn to the deck. You said some very wise words. Thankyou for the clarity.


#3, thank you for this, it gives me hope that she will have an awakening and realise our strong connection and come back. she is the only girl that i've ever met that i feel such a strong and familiar connection with, but she got scared and left. i'm surrendering all my doubts and fears to the universe and trust that the universe will reunite us in the near future.


Pile # 2, never resonated as much with a reading before. Even if I still miss him sometimes, I don’t want him to come back. He hurt me a lot and I had to work on healing myself really hard. But it helped me to grow a lot spiritually and personally, so I’m grateful for the experience and I’m sure that the universe has something even better for me in store. Your reading just confirmed all of it xx


Ahhhh, #4 resonated with me so much! I did the cutting off, since there had been so much mixed signals/emotions between the 2 of us (and yeah, he admits to these as well). He couldn't quite commit, so I quit. Anyway, I unfollowed him on IG and uninstalled Messenger to avoid the temptation of falling back to our old routine. Logically, I should be feeling that this relationship is DONE but my intuition tells me it aint so. I just can't understand why I feel this way. I'm not sure about reaching out, though. At least not yet.


I picked stack #3 and I knew exactly what you were going to read before you read it because I keep getting the same readings from different tarot readers. My twin flame is coming back to me very soon for a deep love commitment. I believe it now! Thank you so much! ❤ ❤


In my situation, he should be the one who makes a bold move. He’s seeing someone else but still wanted to keep me as a backup. I cut him off telling him not to contact me again. If he wants to come back into my life, he has to move his ass!


#4 I’ve been finding it difficult to focus on myself lately, restless nights, back and fourth with my person and finally i had to set those boundaries down because it was draining me, i was always worrying about something that wasn’t worth worrying about. Waiting around patiently hoping for the best, working on myself has never felt any better, and although it’s been hard to accept that we aren’t in communication right now i do have trust in the universe that things will come into align. Thank you for a beautiful reading 🌹❤️


Picked #3 hope to see him again soon. I just love everything about that boy <3


Release the negativity, be gratitude and open heart to experiences. #3

Such a beautiful message. Thank you


#3 really resonated with me! I know me and my person are meant to be, it's just not the right time


Pile 3.Really hoping this is going to come true.I can't see it myself but here's hoping.xx
