International Swimming Federation bans trans women from competitions l GMA

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FINA, the swimming world's governing body, voted to only allow women who have transitioned by the age of 12 to compete in international races like the Olympics.

#ABCNews #Transgender #Swimning #FINA
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I am very happy to hear this. As a woman, I see people forgetting that biological women are STILL fighting for their rights and their bodily autonomy. This is a huge win for biological women. WE are worthy, too. WE deserve our own spaces, just like trans people do. It’s time to make Trans sports a category of their own, so that EVERYONE can have their own spaces and feel safe. What is wrong with that? If there is anything wrong with that, you are a hypocrite.


Definitely a fair decision! It is very confusing why it was allowed in the first place given the physical advantages.


Grateful that women's sports will be protected. This decision is not transphobic, it is scientifically right, fair, and just. Some folks enjoy being offended - let them be offended.


I am SO sick of this! What a relief and victory for female athletes!!! 🎉 They can once again compete on equal ground. 😊


How is this “harming women”. No it’s protecting women and their opportunities from BIOLOGICAL MEN


I’m a bit confused by the comment from Lia that claims the decision will only serve to harm all women. I’m assuming she’s talking about herself as part of that “all women” and it’s harmful for her, yet putting biological women at a competitive disadvantage. Am I understanding this correctly? She may identify as a female, and good for her for pursuing that, but she can’t change biology. I can identify as a cat, but I will never be physically a cat.
Also, did she say she was doing her best times as a man but was unhappy? Probably because her best wasn’t good enough for the men’s category and better in the women’s category? I can’t say I feel bad for her because of this decision. In my opinion, she shouldn’t have been allowed to compete with women to begin with. With the new Open category, biological men will compete with biological women in transition? If so, Testosterone wins.


It is NOT transphobic, we can CLEARLY see how different Will/Lia's body structure is to biological women which obviously is an advantage. Even children can notice that, it's just common sense


Thank you Riley Gaines for being the voice of reason and speaking out for biological women. We all know that in an open category Lia will go back to being a mediocre swimmer cause he’ll be swimming against his own. I say yes to open category across the board in all woman’s sports. Everybody stay in their lane.


This is a fair decision. This isn’t tough and we need to stop tiptoeing around this subject. It shouldn’t have to only be about the transgender person when it’s so unfair to the women competing.


Lia Thomas: The new Fina release is deeply upsetting. It is discriminatory and will only serve to harm all women.
Women: No problem, we'll be fine, thank you for your concern.


Its a tragedy how trans women feel its so easy to 'replace' real women. It is NOT a luxury to be a woman,
it is something that has been earned through generations of suffering and strife. They want to 'be' women
but the fact is they cannot be, even with treatment. They need to start loving who they are, and have
more respect for each gender, just as I do a male gender. You cannot rob others of their identity, unless
you earn it. Earning it means being born as one and forever being treated as second best, losing opportunities
to men. It does NOT matter whether or not he transitioned gain an advantage, HE HAS one. He is a man.
So glad some sanity came into it. So many females have lost life opportunities and sponsorships because
of these trans men. They are men, they will never be 'shes' or 'them'. The pronoun 'them' is so ridiculous.
Someone was calling someone else 'them' and everyone in the office said really innocently 'is there more
than one of them?'. People need to read more to understand pronouns as it so silly how they try to use them now.
Just show more respect for each gender and learn grammar. Don't care if some are offended by this,
it's fact.


Finally people are using their brains and not their feelings 😂 it’s bout time


You see trans woman that were previously men successful in woman sport but you don't see it the other way around.
It is not being against trans. It's just an unfair advantage


Interviewer: some say it’s unfair to the others. What do u say to that

Lia: swimming makes me happy

Oh the narcissism


Lia is evil and selfish. Just look at that smirk.


I agree with his decision. There are full-blown women who have been banned from track and field for having too much testosterone, so it makes sense to ban transwomen who went through male puberty.


You may as a trans, identify as a woman to seek happiness and self-truth, but once you start speaking for all women and start generalizing what harms us, that's absurd. You don't know my pain, and you should not speak for me.


I'm a fairly liberal and open minded person, but I find this decision to be fair and has nothing to do with inclusion. It is about fairness. Didn't Russia get in trouble for this very thing?


Great decisions. Thank you for standing up for the rights of hardworking women 🙏🙏🙏 Trans women are not biological women


How is fairness to biological women in sports transphobic? Why is it that anytime you disagree with a transgender female it is automatically transphobia? Biology is not bigotry.
