I can't help but smile so much at the fact that Mileena is with the good guys for once.
Mileena being fascinated by technology is so wholesome. I loved how she was remade in this game, and for Johnny to call her "your loveliness" was the cherry on top 😂
Kitana being blown away by movies and Mileena getting impressed by drone tech. I can imagine them sneaking off to go on a vacation to Earthrealm.
Damn, Kitana already watched movies and was blown away by it, and now Mileena loves technology. What’s next? Li Mei being introduced to a Glock? Sindel using a hair dryer?
Damn this comment doing numbers Fr.
by the elder gods, Mileena watching the first Avatar film on IMAX 3D will blow her mind.
I just want Mileena to redeem herself and be happy for once.
I honestly don’t blame her being this amazes
If i was a outworlder I would have the same reaction as her
Mileena being introduced to Technologies is wholesome. We need her story learning this. Just... don't introduce her to Internet, especially Twitter. 💀
It's very interesting to see Mileena as a heroine, than a villain. I would love to see her interactions in hero's side.
for a series with a hard magic system like mk (dark magic, soul magic, fire magi, etc) it makes sense an outworlder would be amazed by high tech devices. hard magic is all about limits, and what machines can do has less limits on a monthly basis these days
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". This is earth realm's magic!
It actually warms my heart to see Mileena’s being the hero for once
Genuinely the most adorable Mileena moment
10/10 Mileena moment.
I am not a big Mileena fan... But after this scene I should be!
Let's be honest, any sufficiently advanced technology can seem like magic.
Imagine Johnny begins bringing cinema to Outworld, and Ninja Mime becomes everyone’s absolute favorite. XD
I really felt good seeing outworld and earth realm working together
I realized that’s the same drone Cassie uses in mk11
The entire scene, Kung Lao's face had that "yep, you're right" expression
Wouldnt be far fetched if Mileena owns a smart phone by the next game or Kitana had a private theater installed in the palace to watch movies from