Distracted Driving Prevalence Data: Sources, Challenges & Technological Solutions

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The National Transportation Safety Board, in collaboration with the National Distracted Driving Coalition, presents the webinar, "Distracted Driving Prevalence Data: Sources, Challenges & Technological Solutions." Distracted driving is a contributing factor in road crashes, but it has been challenging to measure the prevalence of the problem due to gaps in data. Data is critical for the development and implementation of policy and legislation to address the problem and is needed to highlight the magnitude of the problem and its effects to inspire action. More robust, complete, and timely distracted driving data is essential to determining the importance of distraction within myriad and competing road safety issues. Opening remarks by NTSB Vice Chairman Bruce Landsberg, and panel discussion with distraction experts from the Traffic Injury Research Foundation, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, Path Zero Ai, and NoCell Technologies, LLC.
Рекомендации по теме

This is a common habit for some drivers to get distracted.
They probably don't even know they are distracted until they are already involved in an accident.
Smart phones have got to be banned while driving. There is no way of using a phone correctly while driving.
