Abdomen et pelvis 12 : Rectum et canal anal [Clinical anatomy of the rectum and the anal canal]
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Portion terminale du tube digestif, le rectum et le canal anal constituent une unité fonctionnelle destinée à stocker les matières fécales et à en réguler l'élimination par l'anus lors de la défécation.
Le plan de ce cours est un plan classique pour un viscère digestif : morphologie externe, morphologie interne et structure (notamment repères endoscopiques et anuscopie), vascularisation, innervation, rapports.
The terminal portion of the digestive tract, the rectum and anal canal form a functional unit designed to store fecal matter and regulate its elimination through the anus during defecation.
The structure of this course follows the classic approach for a digestive organ: external morphology, internal morphology and structure (notably endoscopic landmarks and anoscopy), vascularization, innervation, and relations.
Le plan de ce cours est un plan classique pour un viscère digestif : morphologie externe, morphologie interne et structure (notamment repères endoscopiques et anuscopie), vascularisation, innervation, rapports.
The terminal portion of the digestive tract, the rectum and anal canal form a functional unit designed to store fecal matter and regulate its elimination through the anus during defecation.
The structure of this course follows the classic approach for a digestive organ: external morphology, internal morphology and structure (notably endoscopic landmarks and anoscopy), vascularization, innervation, and relations.
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