Как Включить ГОЛОСОВОЙ ЧАТ Без ID - Паспорта? (2023 ГОДУ!) БЕЗ проверки - Голосовой чат в Roblox!

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Это полный ГАЙД с помощью которого вы сможете включить на ваш аккаунт в роблоксе так называемый голосовой чат для общения с друзьями при помощи голосового чата который вы сможете получить легко и просто без паспорта!

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Бро сделай тише звуковые эффекты а то я чуть не умер (на фоне голоса и музыке это просто немыслимо громко )



Hello I am a citizen of the United States of America my name is Timur at the moment I am 19 I have an ID passport with which a few days ago I enabled voice chat but at the moment for unknown reasons I can not use it my account is more than 13 years old I have a linked mail and also a phone number and was enabled voice chat which I used very well and did not violate any rules of voice chat well why as I wrote earlier it just stopped working it's probably because I tried to enable the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function it stopped working.

I tried to make another request for voice chat and unfortunately it didn't work so it says that this ID is already used although my ID was used on my account and it just doesn't work and at the same time I can't connect it again beduse it says that ID is already connected I already contacted tech support not for the first time about this issue and how to solve it but I was told the

Сфоткайте это, переведите его с английского на английский на картинке, и скопируйте


Если у вас есть иски в отношении Age ID Ver-iification, обязательно ознакомтесь со статьей Age ID verification для получения информации о том, как скомпоновать процесс. что делать?


Hello I am a citizen of the United States of America my name is Ivan at the moment I am 18 I have an ID passport with which a few days ago I enabled voice chat but at the moment for unknown reasons I can not use it my account is more than 13 years old I have a linked mail and also a phone number and any rules of voice chat well why as I wrote earlier it just stopped working it's probably because I tried to enable the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function it stopped working


А в почте надо что-то написать в ответе или выбрать пункты в самом сообщении?


не работает потому что я сделала все точно так же как на видео и чнрез несколько часов мне пришло сообщение от роблокс о том что я не могу включить голосовой чат


Капец как голос изменился, я только что смотрела твоё видео 2 года назад называется читерские расширения роблох, И КАПЕЕЕЕЕЦ как сильно твой голос изменился


а если нет 6 пункта? ну точнее chat age settings, все есть 13+, английский язык, почта, имя фамилия, пк, но нет chat age settings, зато теперь половина игр недоступна, и чат тоже не доступен👍


Когда в первый раз отправлял сообщение, то мне не ответили, а были большие очереди. Сегодня отправил, моментально ответили, и сказали, чтобы я им скинул пруфы. Что делать?


У меня не получилось, написали что мол перейдите по ссылке и вон там все сделайте, не работает


Hello I am a citizen of the United States of America my name is Timur at the moment I am 19 I have an ID passport with which a few days ago I enabled voice chat but at the moment for unknown reasons I can not use it my account is more than 13 years old I have a linked mail and also a phone number and was enabled voice chat which I used very well and did not violate any rules of voice chat well why as I wrote earlier it just stopped working it's probably because I tried to enable the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function it stopped working.


у меня такая проблема то что моему аккаунту было больше 13 лет и когда я подтверждал свой паспорт моя дата поменялась на 2020 а было 2009 и теперь я не могу получить и войс чат и ещё раз подтвердить паспорт


видео конечно полезное, но звуковой эффект текста громче твоего голоса. ужасно бьет по ушам.


Hello roblox.I am having an issue with roblox voice chat. And recently i have tried getting voice chat with my ID verification did not work, l have tried over and over again but Roblox hasn't been veryfing my ID. Can you please fix this because roblox is not accepting my goverment ID, I have an goverment ID, here is my ID verecation details, because Roblox has made the mistake of not veryfing mi ID correctly


Текст который надо вставить:
Hello I am a citizen of the United States of America my name is "Timur" at the moment I am 19 I have an ID passport with which a few days ago I enabled voice chat but at the moment for unknown reasons I can not use it my account is more than 13 years old I have a linked mail and also a phone number and was enabled voice chat which I used very well and did not violate any rules of voice chat well why as I wrote earlier it just stopped working it's probably because I tried to enable the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function it stopped working.

I tried to make another request for voice chat and unfortunately it didn't work so it says that this ID is already used although my ID was used on my account and it just doesn't work and at the same time I can't connect it again because it says that ID is already connected I already contacted tech support not for the first time about this issue and how to solve it but I was told that try to connect the ID again but I already did that and it didn't work I hope this will be the last time I contact tech support because I think it's all connected because of the

Could you connect me voice chat again if you need documents I am ready to throw them you can contact me by mail or also by phone number (+380 66 44 565 33) thanks!
не благодарите)


а что делать если нету в 6 пункте chat & age setting??


hello i am citizen of the United States of America my name is Barbara at the moment i am 19 i have an ID passport with which a few days ago i enabled voice chat but at the moment for unknown reasons i can not use it my account is more than 13 years old i have a linked mail and also a phone number was enable voice chat which i used very well and did not violate any rules of voice chat well why as wrote earlier it just stopped working its probably because i tried to enable the 17+ function and after i tried to turn on the 17+ function it stopped working. вот текст


Hello I am a citizen of the United States af America my name is Mystafo at the moment am 19 I have an ID passport with which a few days ago I enabled voice chat but at the moment for unknown reasons ican not use it my account is more that 13 years old I have a linked mail and also a phone number and was enabled voice chat well why as I wrote earlier it just stopped working it' s probably I because I tried to enable the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function and after I tried to turn on the 17+ function it stopped working


Пишет что т.к.это ьето версия, мы не можем подключить вам гс, пожалуйста подключите его с помощью паспорта
