Foam sclerotherapy and the latest treatments for varicose veins

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Varicose vein surgery is a relatively simple procedure these days thanks to modern treatments and advanced surgical procedures. Expert vascular surgeon, Mr Coleridge Smith of the British Vein Institute, explains how patients can be treated using his techniques.

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Hi all,
B.P (before post) - take a snack and a drink as my story will take a while to read. This is my experience and I would really like to give my best opinion about this procedure as I actually did it.
Few months ago I've noticed some veins which I haven't seen them before. I started to become self conscious as I always had beautiful legs and to be honest with you I didn't want to cover my legs for the rest of my life as I'm only 28 years old. So I started my research, first I was a bit upset as I understood that is hereditary and to be honest with you my mom only has them now and she is over 60 years old. So I started to look for different causes, I didn't thought when I started work that this will affect me in any way. But it did so mostly I know it's because I stand more than 10 hours at my job. This is not the only cause regarding your veins, it could be even from getting pregnant, eating to salty, lack of exercise, hereditary as I mentioned- this one is basically the most common. So if you have a family member as your parents or grandparents is likely you could have it too.
I'm living in London but I'm originally from Romania. Therefore I went to a famous clinic in London where I played 150£ only for the consultation. I wasn't very happy with the answers and I decided not to go for the treatment as the doctor suggested 3 treatments for my veins. (600£ each). To be honest with you I found it quite expensive but at the end of the day if this would be my only option I will do it regardless. However I wanted a different opinion so I went in Romania to a clinic and the doctor actually told me that standing is the main cause of the appearance of the veins. The doctor from London said is not (which I didn't believed him).
Because my veins weren't so bad the doctor from Romania only recommended 1 treatment. I seriously thought is not gonna hurt as I read so many reviews. It did hurt but only in the part where the skin was thicker. The other injections didn't hurt as much however I felt a burning sensation as the injection went through my veins. The whole procedure took about 20 minutes. They wrapped me in a bandage and kept it for 2 days ( no shower allowed for 2 days). After few minutes my legs were quite swollen and it was a bit itchy. After I took my bandages of I had few bruises and the skin was very tender ( it's a weird feeling -like touching your skin but you feel it numb). My doctor recommended to take one paracetamol for the pain afterwards but I didn't took it as I didn't feel any pain after (most part of the pain was during the procedure ). Now it's more than one week from the procedure and I almost have no brusing at all. I read other reviews and I was prepared to wait even months for the results but I can actually see beautiful result even after one week. I wanted to inform you that my veins weren't the worse, I had few veins each and there but I didn't had the very serious varicose veins like the bulging ones. However it did bothered me and was the only thing that I could think of. And sometimes after a long day my legs felt heavy, itchy and burning. Since I've done the procedure I don't feel it anymore. My only concern is how much this injection will last? I will try to keep this comment update and let you know in the future bit for the moment I'm very happy with result.
If its anything that bother you my only advise is to go and do it.
By the way the cost of the procedure in Romania was around 70£ . I still can believe it how big is the difference.
I could only wish that someone will post a honest review for me to read before taking any decision that's why I've decided to leave this review and for those ones who are interested to actually know how I felt.
If you have any question about my procedure please leave a comment and I will answer.
Keep safe !


Can you do this treatment on arms because I’ve arms veins it’s so annoying


In video like this I'd like to see before and after the procedure, recovery period and the long-term outcome, success rates, complications and their rate, user reviews. Where is all that??? Anyone can point me to such resource?


I found him. The default voice of Microsoft Excel


Which is better short term and long term m this or phelebectomy? I've heard that foam scerlotherapy is for smaller veins. But then I heard no it can treat all sizes.


Doesn’t work. Don’t waste your money. They will come back double.
