Are Muslim youths in Malaysia and Indonesia becoming more conservative?

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I had a Malaysian friend in university. While I had quite a few muslim peers (from India and central Asia), only he used to follow the 5 times a day prayer rule and go to the prayer room. He even used to check his watch every time. Funnily enough, the Arab students never followed this😂. I found it interesting. By the way, this was in Dubai.


This is normal, when liberal don't work, people tend to be conservative. When conservative doesn't work well, they become more liberal. It is fine as long they are not too extreme until it break the balance between the liberal and conservative.


In Sabah & Sarawak, they rejected Islamic conservative like PAS. When I asked my Dusun tribe Muslim or Christian friends from Sabah, they don't like PAS. They assumed PAS as extreme & radical political party.



Malaysia : yes they are
Indonesia : no, their millenials and Gen Z are driving away from conservative


The issue is mixing religion with politics.


I am an Indonesian and I am a high school teacher. I don't think so, what i've seen, Indonesian youth nowadays are actually becoming more liberal than before, they are increasingly open about not having a religion, and their thoughts are becoming more free. Social media in Indonesia does not portray the true Indonesia. For example, in Indonesian news and social media, many people show strong support for Palestine, but the reality is that the majority of people in Indonesia do not care about them and even tend to dislike the Middle East.


Always remember this motto in Malaysia. Agama, Bangsa dan Negara. Religion comes first, Race is second, Country is last. So, it is okay for country to go down the drain, okay for race to go down the drain but religion must always be protected.


Comparing religio-politically Peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia is like comparing apples with oranges. However, comparing Sabah and Sarawak with Indonesia from this religio-political aspect is aples vs apples.


Malaysia is becoming more conservative and religious yes.


May Indonesia be multicultural country as it has existed with different races since long time ago, and was started as Non-Muslim during Indonesia Kingdom.


The sign of growing conservatism is very easy, look at the old photos of our parents or people before year 2000. I always find thay no woman wearing hijab those time. Now almost all muslim woman i see wear hijab. It is in Indonesia though.


I have met a few ex muslim Malays from Malaysia and Indonesia, and they are tired of religion being forced onto them. Many are hiding their ex-muslim identity, even though they still practiced their religious rituals to avoid suspicion from their community.


identity politics become so entrenched in malaysia...


And they want Taylor Swift to perform in Who are they kidding!?!??


I don't know about Malaysia, but in Indonesia many young people are becoming irreligious.


What is the scope of conservatism in this context? Is CNA using a western minded definition of conservatism?
These two countries were never liberal in the first place.


This is how the westerner put emphasize their idea into our local mindset. They put a narrative that if people tend to be more into religious value then they considered conservative, and it is one step to say it will become extremist and finally become terrorist. They think we the eastern people are stupid and easy to be poison by their words.
The reality is that it shows how progress of nation would never left the religion value. The westerner always thought if they make a nation more progresive, they wil become more loose of their faith because they think science oppose to religion teachings. It just show how they got it wrong, in malaysia, the more people espcially muslim, when they learn more, become progresive, become more richer, they tend to be more good muslim which westerner think it is conservative. This is all because of knowledge, education, because islam asked it follower to seek knowledge, to learn about the world and afterworld, so when we learn more then we realise why Allah SWT send us to earth, and living in this world is just a small part/journey whereby the goal is the akhirah....


Biased. You can't profile 2 very diverse populations with such tiny samples. The so-called "secular" Indonesians interviewed are no different from a huge percentage of Malaysian youths, and so many Indonesians are similar to the "religious" Malaysians portrayed too. There is a wide spectre of muslim youths in both countries, they're not all the same.

While muslims on average are more religious these days in BOTH countries, much of the increased vote shares for PAS can be attributed to dissatisfaction for UMNO and distrust for Pakatan. It'd be naive to think that PAS won more seats this time mainly because people have become more religious. Not so simple.


As indonesian i dont trust islamic party, but i choose leader with good islamic behavior


“If i vote religious parties, me too gonna be religious” It is more like a compensatory mechanism, whether they are truly all that or not is up for debate. Classic case of social identity crisis and the politicians are really good at capitalizing on that.
