Why the Green New Deal Includes a Jobs Guarantee

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Pavlina Tcherneva, one of the economists behind the idea, explains how it can fight the climate crisis and promote economic stability for American

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I don't know if you are aware of it or not but, In the DECEMBER 19, 2018
edition of the Stanford News Service there is an article that notes: Stanford scientists locate nearly all U.S. solar panels by applying machine learning to a billion satellite images.(This applies to the contiguous 48 states.)

Stanford researchers have identified the GPS locations and sizes of almost all U.S. solar power installations from a billion images. Using the data, which is public, they identified factors that promote the use of solar energy and those that discourage it.


I think the information in this article could make it easier for the "Green New Deal" to determine policy, access this information to help determine where it would be most beneficial, initially, to install panels, create jobs, etc.


How the hell do you guarantee people jobs?...So what if someone doesn't perform or show up? Can you fire that person or do they just get placed in a new guaranteed job? How do you ensure a livable wage? What if the revenue is not there? There are so many problems with this. It lacks logic. You know who would be holding the bag for this? Us, the tax payers. It's not my responsibility to ensure someone else has a job. As an economist you think she would know this. I'm so disgusted with the entitlement mindset of my generation. No one owes anyone anything in this life.


good work real news to cover the most important intervention from one the most coherent macroeconomists. bravo!


Environmentalism is kinda seen as a "luxury good" by too many of us. Climate problems are really bad for overall economic development though. The two problems exacerbate each other so the prospect of an effective solution that tackles both at once is exciting. How much has it changed from the form that was in the GP platform? I think it's a great idea that needs work.


Good work inviting a mmt non ideologue economist on.

Cut military spending because its morally right.

We print our own currency. We afford anything and everything until real capacity is reached.


Instead of 1000's of people loosing jobs why not create jobs while mining Helium 3 and implementing Lifi lighting --- lights that provide internet


The GND proposes installation of 5G, which would enable Technocracy:
“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” ~ Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages, 1970

5G is designed to usher in TECHNOCRACY, similar to the social credit system in China. Data is the new oil. Surveillance capitalism is real, look it up. Even the GND (green new deal) proposes installation of “smart” grids, which is a disastrous swap of fossil fuel pollution for cancerous electrosmog.

The Technocracy agenda, which began in the 1930's, is trying to piggy back onto a very good idea, to improve the health of the public sector with a strong fiscal policy investment. But green energy solutions need to be decoupled from social services so that we can move forward quickly on fixing our healthcare and education crisis while considering a TOTAL BAN ON 5G TECHNOLOGY.

Pay no attention to the hundreds of birds that fell from the sky recently in the Netherlands due to 5G radiation, insect population decline or the mini cell towers already popping up in 30 US cities WITHOUT OUR CONSENT, many close to school playgrounds. Sterility concerns??

"Who is demanding a hundred devices in his home that spy on him and record his actions? With 5G, the ultimate goal is: every device in every home that uses energy will be “its own computer, ” and the planetary grid will connect ALL these devices to a monitoring and regulating Energy Authority." ~ Jon Rappoport

Both China and Israel are competing in the worldwide Technocracy 5G "smart grid" installation, creating a real open air prison.

Don't be a sucker for it.


Of course I'm sure the rich will get a deduction!


Do you want it regulated that you MUST install solor panels on your roof?


In other words they're going to pay people for not doing anything
