Richard Rohr | Faith is not Certainty

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In my view, “Good Faith” cannot possibly be ABSOLUTE certainty. If we “know” something with certainty, is faith even required to believe in it? “Good Faith” is something that makes us comfortable with uncertainty. “Good Faith” is humble. To be faithful is not to hide from the light of Truth in the darkness of a cave, to be faithful is to have the courage to journey out of the security of the cave into the light that is unknown.
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How can he be 'certain' of what he is saying based on his thesis


There is nothing more evident than the self-realization of everything. Faith is Certainty. True fearlessness. Truest to oneself, held back by nothing.

There is gravity. When you self-realize (Think & figure things out for yourself), you will feel and discover it yourself. It's like "seeing is believing", but with more than just your 5 physical senses. You have Faith that you aren't gonna fly off into space bcuz you're certain Earth will continue pulling you down. You will also not dare to defy gravity, as doing so will mean you go splat on the pavement. Natural Law cannot be defied. Natural Law is absolute. If you want to fly, you go by Nature's Law and have faith in Wings, aerodynamics, and whatever


They did die.
1) Before eating the fruit, they were immortal. But once they ate it, immediately they lost immortality and death entered immediately their bodies. And they immediately knew that they were naked.because they lost the immortal glory covering.
2) And they died within 1 God-day (1000 earth years) ... Adam lived a little over 900 earth years. As God had said.


0:38 sounds like all your certainty about your interpretation scripture and your "orthopraxy" must be thrown out too by your own standard. Rohr is a moralist busy body hypocrite who goes around telling people they must not force their beliefs on others and then turns around and forces his belief on us. What he needs to do is obey God and repent.
