top 5 scariest siren sounds in the world

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These are the 5 SCARIEST and MOST TERRIFYING sirens in the world! If you ever hear one of these in real life… DON'T IGNORE IT!

#ScarySounds #SirenSounds #Terrifying #EmergencyAlert #Warning #Creepy #ScaryMoments #TornadoSiren #Thunderbolt1003 #YamahaMusicSiren #2T22Siren #KTG10 #CreepyNoises #DisturbingSounds #ScaryFacts #SpookySounds #RunFast #EmergencyWarning #ScariestNoises #Dread #Unsettling #DisasterAlert #ViralShorts #Shorts #TrendingNow #ScaryThings #SurvivalTips #WhatWouldYouDo #EmergencySiren

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Kt g10 just sounds like it needs repairing 😂


The siren at the end of the video is a STH-10


The last one is not just a tornado siren it is a federal signal STH siren


1. The Thunderbolt 1003 is doing an "alternate wail", per its "solenoids" aka the 2 boxes between the main horn, which is how the high-low tone is emitted
2. The 2T22 shown is a mini replica of the original
3. The KTG10 is a Swiss siren that has a rising and falling town, similar to that of an "attack tone", and can indicate several threats to civilians
4. The Yamaha Sirens were used in WWII, but eventually it was useless and to "erase" Japan's dark past it was converted to sound music using systems to omit different frequencies
5. The STG10 is just an American tornado siren
