Origen of Alexandria Confirms That the Bible Is Corrupted

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Is the Bible accurate or has it been corrupted over time? This YouTube Short explores the history of the Bible, the role of the Church Fathers like Origen of Alexandria and scholars like Bruce M. Metzger in exposing the corruption in the Bible.

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Matthew 21:10-11
New International Version
10 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?”

11 The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.

Christian be like " but but Paul said otherwise" 😂


Some Christians who want to deny this reject all Christians scholars who make claims of corruption and of 'unknown' scholars.


Day infinity of not being surprised seeing these Christians not knowing their own book.


[Surah An-Nisāʾ: 171]

O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of Allah and the fulfilment of His Word through Mary and a spirit ˹created by a command˺ from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers and do not say, “Trinity.” Stop!—for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him! He is far above having a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is sufficient as a Trustee of Affairs.


Tha bible was written by over 40 authors and was written 300 years BEFORE Muhammad so the bible cannot be corrupted


Proving other religions are fake doesn't prove that your one is true.


Many bible scholars already admitted to it.


Christians way to escape this bitter truth

Be ready

If you don't have holy spirit you won't understand bible 😂

According to them
They won the argument by saying that


No it cannot b restored by any human only prophet jesus had original godly bible


thanks bro, now im practing englis whit your videos, thanks for God and youtube algoritm


Bart D. Ehrman, professor of the history of religions in the USA, and author of numerous works on Christian literature, wrote a book in 2005 entitled "Misquoting Jesus: the story behind who changed the Bible and why", in which he explains the conclusions drawn from textual criticism of the Bible, concerning the myth of the "original manuscripts" Ehrman states on page 10: "Not only do we not have the originals, we don't have the first copies of the originals, we don't even have copies of copies of the originals, or even copies of copies of copies of the originals.

What we do have are copies made later, and even much later. In most cases, they are copies written many centuries later, and all these copies are different from each other, in thousands of places. As we'll see later in this book, these copies differ from each other in so many places that we don't even know how many differences there are. Perhaps it's easier to say: there are more differences between our manuscripts than there are words in the New Testament."


Raymond E. Brown, recognized as one of the world's leading New Testament scholars, professor emeritus of biblical studies in New York, recipient of more than 30 awards from Catholic and Protestant universities worldwide, president of several societies for biblical studies in the United States and Europe, called by two popes to serve on the Pontifical Biblical Commission, states in his book "What do we know about the New Testament?", page 43, the following:

"None of the gospels mentions an author by name, and it is quite possible that none was written by the person whose name it bears, according to a tradition dating from the end of the 2nd century (which implies that the 4 gospels had no title for almost 2 centuries).

He also tells us on page 57: "Almost two thousand years ago, the evangelists wrote four gospels in Greek, we don't have the original manuscripts from the pen of the evangelists, nor indeed any original of any book of the New Testament, what we have are many handwritten copies in Greek made over some one thousand four hundred years, between 150 and the invention of printing, often, but usually on points of detail, these copies differ from one another due to mistakes or changes by copyists",

On page 58, he goes on to say: "The Gospel sources must be of particular concern to us, because in all likelihood the evangelists were not eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus".

On page 91: "The Catholic Church has decided on canonicity on the basis of long and regular practice in the liturgy, not on the conclusions of scholars about who wrote or copied this or that".

These "original texts" don't exist. What do exist are the transcriptions that appeared between the 4th and 10th centuries. And these are transcriptions of transcriptions.


American Christian priest, biblical scholar, theologian and exegete Raymond E. Brown [1928-1998 G] said:

"Approximately three thousand manuscripts of the Greek New Testament, copied between the 2nd and 17th centuries, have been preserved (in whole or in part), to which must be added more than two thousand handwritten lectionaries containing sections (pericopes) of the New Testament arranged for liturgical reading since the 7th century. These witnesses to the NT text do not agree with each other on many points, but few of these differences are significant. No autograph or original manuscript of a New Testament book has been preserved; the differences occurred during the copying of the original. *Not all are the result of copyists' errors; some are the result of deliberate changes.* Copyists sometimes felt obliged to *improve* the Greek of the received text, to *modernize* spelling, *add* explanatory phrases, *harmonize* the Gospels, and even *omit* a point they considered doubtful. One might think that the oldest preserved copies (in whole or in part) of the Greek NT are the best guide back to the originals; but this is not necessarily so."

What do we know about the New Testament? page 86, Bayard French editions, 2011.


Why would I care what an "American Christian Scholar" thinks rather than relying on Church history tradition, Christology, early churchfathers and divine Liturgy?


Tbark llah 3lik akhouya. 3mer s7ab I Bli chi nas Harbin b7alk 3aychin M3ana felmeghrib


People died preaching Jesus in Rome why would somone get tortured for a lie? They were eye witnesses who got martyred for Jesus. Jesus was real and he did get crucified and rose from the dead the ancient historian Joseph Flavius wrote about it and many other historians. Just because some church leader says the bible is corrupt don't mean it's true


Corrupted? Why then the prophecies in it are coming into fulfillment ?


Before you start criticizing the Bible you should start answering the question 7:157


Matthew, Mark, and Luke, authors of the first three Gospels, believed that Jesus was not God (see Mark 10:18 and Matthew 19:17).


why is it that when stories appear in different forms in the Bible, this is corruption - but when the same stories appear in the Quran, for some reason you claim this isn't corruption?
Why is it corruption in the Bible - and 'abrogation' in the Quran?
Do you understand what begging the question is?
