PaperView: Denoising diffusion probabilistic models

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Reviewing and discussing the paper:
Ho J, Jain A, Abbeel P. Denoising diffusion probabilistic models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2020;33:6840-51.
which is a seminal and pioneering work in diffusion domain.

Disclaimer: I am NOT an author of this paper, and all rights belong to its authors and publishers. My views, explanations, criticisms, and discussions are not reviewed by the authors.

Thank you!

11:32 hey a quick question about the integration would you please provide more details about it as I Know the integration is calculating the area under a specific curve so how does it relates here and how is the margin here represents a modeled version of the true distribution isn't that the neural network that we are trying to optimize it to resemble the true distribution which is i guess the p(x) without Theta?
