Front End Web Developer Roadmap

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Frontend Web Development Roadmap👇

🔗 Good to know
1. WWW: How www works.
3. Browser: Working of Browser.

🔗 Basics
1. HTML: HTML is used to form the “skeleton”, or the base, of any website.
2. CSS: It is used to add styles to your web pages like colors, fonts, layouts, and animations.
3. JavaScript: Javascript improves the interactivity of your website. It adds functionality to the website.

🔗 Pro CSS
1. Preprocessors: With the help of CSS preprocessors, we can use logic in our styling files like variables, functions, mixins, inheritance, etc. SASS/SCSS, Stylus, and Less are a few popular preprocessors.
2. Frameworks: CSS Frameworks like Bootstrap, Materialize, Tailwind, Semantic UI, Bulma, etc.

🔗 Pro Javascript
2. DOM: The Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) for HTML and XML documents.
3. Fetch API: The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources.
4. Modern Javascript: Learn new features and syntaxes introduced in JavaScript in ES6, ES7, ES8, etc.

🔗 Intermediate
1. Github
2. Browser Compatibility
3. Responsive Design.

🔗 Advanced
1. Package Manager: A Package Manager is a tool that allows you to install, configure, update and manage software packages. NPM and Yarn are two popular Package Managers.
2. Version Control: It allows you to manage and track changes to the source code and also revert to a previous version of the code, instead of manually reverting the changes. Git is the popular Version Control System.
3. Testing & Performance: Testing the website from a user's point of view.
4. Deployment: Pushing changes or updates from one deployment environment to another.
5. SEO: Making your content search-friendly.

🔗 Optional
• Designing: Basic understanding of image manipulation, designing graphical components, etc is a huge bonus. Some of the popular tools are Adobe Photoshop, Figma, etc.
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