Package in Java | Technical Interview Question #java #interview

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What is a package in Java? | Technical Interview Question #java #interview #shorts

Most Important Java Interview Questions:

1. What is Java, and what are its features?
2. How is Java code executed, and why is Java called the Platform Independent Programming Language?
3. What is JDK, and what is the difference between JRE and JVM?
4. What are the different types of access modifiers in Java?
5. What does the static keyword mean?
6. What is the void keyword in Java?
7. What are string[] args in Java?
8. What is public static void main(String[] args) in java?
9. What are classes and objects in Java?
10. What are methods in Java?
11. What are the data types in Java?
12. What are the operators in Java?
13. What is type casting in Java?
14. What are keywords in Java?
15. What are the conditional statements in Java?
16. What are loops in Java?
17. What are jump statements in java?
18. What is a ternary operator in Java?
19. What is an array in Java?
20. What is the purpose of garbage collection in Java?
21. What is this keyword in Java?
22. What is the final keyword in Java?
23. What is the finally() in Java?
24. What is the finalize keyword in Java?
25. When should I use the super keyword in Java?
26. What are the different types of errors in Java?
27. What is exceptional handling in Java?
28. What is a package in Java?
29. What is multithreading in Java?
30. What are the different memory areas assigned by the JVM?
31. What is the difference between Heap memory and Stack memory?
32. What is the difference between the equals() method and the equality (==) operator in Java?
33. What is the superclass of all classes in Java?
34. What is an Applet?
35. What is a Servlet?

Check out the channel to find the answers for these interview questions.

What is the definition of Java?
Can you explain what Java is?
How is Java used in software development?
What is the purpose of Java programming language?
What are the key features of Java?
How does Java differ from other programming languages?
Can you provide a brief history of Java?
Why is Java important in the tech industry?
In what kind of applications is Java commonly used?
What is the future outlook for Java in software development?

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