Panel Discussion - How type 2 diabetes remission can transform healthcare #PHC2023

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Chair: Dr David Cavan
Panellists: Helen Gowers RD, Prof Roy Taylor, Dr David Unwin, Dr Ben Bikman
Filmed on the 19th & 20th May 2023 at the Public Health Collaboration Annual Conference in Sheffield. World-renowned speakers convened to share their expertise about how we can harness the power of lifestyle to help fix healthcare together.

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Congratulations Dr Unwin!! Recognition so well deserved!!


David Unwin is a superstar, he should be the next labour party health minister. Shocking the all the years and expense of a medical degree and he learns his best diabetes treatment accidentally from a patient.


Great discussion. Thank you very much. This month I am celebrating 2 years of low carb. My diabetes was remitted in 3 months and the weight loss happened without me even trying, losing 22.5% of my starting weight.


Very informative and helpful.
Thanks to the whole team.
I'm watching from Virginia, USA.


Finaly a real diabetics panel discussion, and they are thin and healthy, proof is in the pudding .


Top effort guys and ladies involved for helping people from new Zealand


Love the idea of paying GP’s £1000 for every case of remission! It will pay itself back in spades.


Love Roy Taylor but his emphasis on "weight loss" seems to miss the opportunity of low carb: eat to satiety... just replace the sugary carbs. When a person who has dieted many times before goes low carb, they discover the empowering experiences of not feeling hungry while regaining health in a sustainable way.


Here is my experience from two years ago. Unexpected db2 values on blood test, half day in hospital doing tests (i was feeling fine). Metformin prescription, but I was given option to eat healthy, oatmeal was supposed to be good. Also given finger blood test thingy. Same night oatmeal spiked me to record, and I was low carb after that.

Blood values in 3 months was "normal" with just low carb. Back to hospital for followup I was expecting some sort of actuall followup. Would think reversing blood value with food would be worth noting? Nope, was told to continue 4 checkups a year by MD. No interest in insuline levels or what I had done. Lots of worry about the bad ldl.

2 years down the road I am still insulin resistant, but with a1c that would not be considered prediabetic. Fell back a bit on habits but a cgm keep me from pushing too far into comfort eating.

Every diabetic should have one of those cgm devices. It keeps us honest and informed.


Cut carbs……actually no carbs, use only real food.


You need to change life styl full stop frona t2


07:10 embrace the hunger.
I do.

13:00 The assumption is one was ever slim at 20. 😂

16:40 WTF, first do NO harm, stop monetizing health, greedy Dr.... £1000 per patient. ****. ***.
The individual needs to take responsibility for their own health. Health should be the incentive NOT money.

29:30 Nothing to do with the food environment especially in most towns / cities here in the UK..., it's the individual MINDSET.

I am plagued every time I shop with FOOD LIKE SUBSTANCES, made by those in white coats in a factory that would resemble a chemical factory rather than a farm.

Take care of own health, for when it's compromised so are YOU.

Thank you for uploading and sharing.


Yes, remission would definitely transform healthcare, but MED Inc as well as Food Inc. is not going to allow it. There's too much money in processed food production and the consequence that there's now a huge demand for healthcare now. Profits over people.


Have this panel brief US insurance company executives and convince them to take their lobbying and legal resources and go to war with big food, big pharma and conventional nutrition "professionals".


Prof. Taylor sums it up with his opening statement starting at 1:26 - "We've grown bigger. And it's now regarded as normal. ... Looking at people with normal BMI and type 2 diabetes, of COURSE if they lose weight they will lose their diabetes. It's the same disease. There are some crashing simplicities here ... [if your organs] are clogged up with fat, they're not going to work well." Mic drop.


Sadly no word on seed oils or PUFA at all and too much focus on weight without a recipe how to loose it. Weight isn't the issue, visceral fat is. Yes most obese (but not all!) will have visceral fat but also skinny people can have it. When losing weight, visceral fat tends to be the first to go, therefore a relatively quick loss of 5-10kg can be enough to fix a lot of metabolic issues, over time.

Also no mentioning of Kempner diet or newest research around the role of BCAAs. Paradoxically a very high carb, very low fat (less than 10% of calories, essentially just rice or potatoes) and low protein diet, seem to be the best way to resolve insulin resistance. Simple rationalizations don't work in a complex system as our body. removing carbs (glucose) will remove blood glucose spikes but not solve the underlying problem. Cells get insulin resistant because they can't properly burn glucose anymore likley because the mitochondrial membrane is dysfunctional probably also due to too much PUFA in the phospholipids. The cell then turns to beta oxidation of fats which itself also induces insulin resistance. Again it's fats that induce insulin resistance not glucose! Therefore the fat must be removed from the diet in an extreme way and PUFA should be completely avoided. Once the mitochondria heal and there is very little fat, the cells are forced to burn glucose which removes the insulin resistance, the cell now wants glucose = insulin sensitive.

Low protein especially BCAA matters because they can block the healing. And to be clear saturated fat, protein and with that BCAAs are completely healthy in a healthy individual. they don't make you sick but must be temporarily limited to "unstick the engine". Low carb / keto is a permanent crutch. it does not fix the underlying problem, you just mask it, so it seems to work but carbs are off the table for the rest of the life while actually healing the issue will make a person be able to include all macros again, only rule is no omega-6 PUFA like seed oils (or nuts).


There are an enormous percentage of diabetic people who are skinny, and/or vegan. My son in law is 36, skinny, pre diabetic. Weight gain is correlation, not causation.


life time, life style, low carb style


This is really disjointed. Better luck next year.


LOW CARB IS A LIFE STYLE - we need to embrace 🫶👍🙏
