Your first look at the Denver Center's 'Oklahoma!'
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The cast includes Iman Barnes, Neville Braithwaite, Taylor Colleton, Ta’Nika Gibson, David Ginlet, Shabazz Green, Cooper Grodin, Maurio Hines, Bre Jackson, Rashaan James II, Sheila Jones, Barrington Lee, Sheryl McCallum, Rennie Anthony Magee, Raven McRae Traoré, Alia Munsch, Milton Craig Nealy, Brandon O’Neal, Jason Daniel Rath, Antoine L. Smith, Melissa Victor and Erin Willis
With a spring in their step and a song in their hearts, cowboys and farmers alike have chased their destinies to a land that promises love, opportunity and a brighter future. This joyful production is set in an all-African American town in the early days of the Oklahoma Territory.
Iman Barnes, Neville Braithwaite, Taylor Colleton, Ta’Nika Gibson, David Ginlet, Shabazz Green, Cooper Grodin, Maurio Hines, Bre Jackson, Rashaan James II, Sheila Jones, Barrington Lee, Sheryl McCallum, Rennie Anthony Magee, Raven McRae Traoré, Alia Munsch, Milton Craig Nealy, Brandon O’Neal, Jason Daniel Rath, Antoine L. Smith, Melissa Victor, Erin Willis, Chris Coleman, Darius Frowner, Dominique Kelley, Wilson Chin, Jeff Cone, Diane Ferry Williams, Philip G. Allen, Dawn-Ellin Fraser, Geoffrey Kent, Heidi Schmidt, Rachel Ducat, Dana Reiland, Kurt Van Raden