How To Stop Dying In Xdefiant - Xdefiant Tips

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Xdefiant is an amazing free to play first person shooter game that brings back that classic arcade style gameplay. But this game can be difficult at first. That's why I put together this list of 15 tips to help you improve quickly, win more games and level up faster!

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Pro tip - keep bunny hopping and let the poor netcode save your ass. It’s what 80% of the players seem to do.


Big tip very few know about: If you uninstall COD, you'll get better ping and less desync issues!


Here is a domination objective tip, stop dying trying to force B capture. Just flank to A or C, and it will release pressure on your team.


Its the first xdefiant tips video Ive watched that actually give useful tips nice work


I dont think a game has ever tilted me so much before with its terrible netcode before. It really makes me feel like im actually terrible at the game with how fast I die vs how many times I have to shoot someone to kill them.


Ive been playing dedsec a bunch just to counter others ults, I got sick of dying to sonar goggles so the moment i see the goggles go up my ult goes out 😂


Here’s 12 tips I got for ya’ll - currently have 20 in match hours with a 2.4 kd

1. You can wallbang many spots, don’t see someone on site but it’s active? wallbang.
2. if you’re low, play for health don’t repeak unless they push you hard
3. phantom is the strongest op, shield when they shoot you or push, higher health and team/solo ult
4. use emp grenades nothing else
5. don’t jump when shooting someone only use it to slide cancel, it’ll mess with bloom
6. keep playing the game and realise everything is your fault, learn from it and improve
7. it’s ok to hop off point to check common push spots a couple seconds won’t hurt the score
8. keep rotating and don’t go into no man lands
9. use whatever gun and sens you like but always use attachments with sprint shoot time, ads speed and movement speed (recoil doesnt matter and try to stay away from sights)
10. spawns happen like this- if it’s domination and you have b and a they’ll only spawn c (don’t push c because this becomes a spawntrap, camp for kills), if it’s control/hardpoint they’ll spawn wherever the majority teammates aren’t (if you’re alone from team you’re not alone from enemies), same concept applies to other modes
11. pistol makes you faster, yes. use it to push hotspots start of match and get some free picks
12. phantom/ult counter tip- if you hear one shot pistol coming for you pop a shield and get ready, if you see 200 health guy don’t peak, if you see flamethrower pop a shield, if you get hacked (doesnt matter), if you see phantom bubble walk back while shooting it until it breaks or just run and wait it out


Wait a sec before reloading. Almost always another person close by. Im still working in not reloading so much l, it seems to be getting me killed a lot. GG’z fellow gamers. Hope y’all enjoying as much as i am.


Good luck repositioning against multiple enemies when you're that close, the second guy will just slide bunny hop around the corner and get you...


To really secure a win in the objective control modes, just running to the point on most maps will just get you killed. Take time to clear out the defenders on the flanks first then move to the objective so that there's less backup left on the objective.
My second tip is that you don't have to shoot at every enemy you see, it's often times better to just ignore enemies if all you can do is land a few shots from across the map. It'll just draw attention to you and rarely result in a kill. Positioning so that your guns are in their optimal range will make winning fights much more reliable.


Great tips and thanks for being easy to listen to. Not obnoxious and cliche like most content creators.


one of the best XDefiant tip videos i’ve seen 🔥


This was a great tips video! Definitely should do more videos like this!


I’ve always been good at fps games like cod r6 and apex so I watch a lot of these videos to kinda smooth out the kinks and learn a little more in depth about things without having to do the work myself 🤣. But this really was a great video for the size channel you have dude (id expect to see this from someone with 100k+ smaller channels usually lack something) If you stay consistent I can almost guarantee you’ll see success! Keep it up


this is an excellent video man, you keep making content like this you'll blow up 💚


Great vid! Especially Sprint to Fire. Didn't realize this was a thing... and was wondering how I kept getting my backside handed to me! I mean... I am hot garbage compared to most players... but your Sprint to Fire suggestion illuminates an issue with my gameplay. Also... love tip #15! I always thumbs up someone on my team. Brings a smile to my face when everyone on the team thumbs up a different player. It's a solid way to just say GG, win or lose!


Wow that was a great video. Learned a lot. And thanks for responding to all comments


This lowkey helped me a lot lots of useful tips and tricks


This was so helpful. The biggest takeaway for me was shooting before aiming - I'm almost certain I've lost a lot of battles becauxe I started aiming when they started shooting.

One tip I'll share (though I assume someone else already has) has to do with footsteps. Listen out for footsteps, and be mindful of sprinting because an enemy may hear you nearby. I sprint most when there's gunfire so that it masks the noise I'm making. You don't wanna be an easy target due to someone hearing you coming from a mile away.


Tip 3 & 5 were very useful for me - thanks
