Analyzing the ISFP

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Artistic from the outside, Self-destructive from the inside.


The difference between how ISFPs seem and how they act is so fascinating to me.


ISFPs are definitely underrated types. They have such a fantastic balance between sensory and intuition, and are able to keep up with intuitives when they try. My ISFP's best friend is an ENFP/INFP and her bf is an INTJ.


He protecc
He attack
He is ISFP
But most importantly

hee hee


The Analysis:

1. Shows a low estimate of their importance
2. Moves gracefully with ease
3. Shy and timid around others
4. Enjoys providing amusement
5. Often smiles
6. Childlike
7. Blames personal disappointment on others
8. Believes they're socially inept
9. Their gut feeling tells what's right or wrong
10. Engaged with outside world
11. Enjoys having positive feedback
12. Enjoys pleasing others

I'm an ISFP and never had something been this spot on about me in my whole life!


I love ISFPs. My mum is one. One of my good friends was one, but he passed away a few months ago. I miss going to his apartment. Not an ounce of judgement came from his being!


He's a bit too adorable kill me T_T


The "rip <3" in the end made me cry.


Don't worry Michael, you're not missing out on much.


I'm an ENFP so I'm not supposed to "match" with my ISFP partner but to me he is the purest creature on this Earth and he grounds me like no other.


I was waiting for this! Isfp here! We are amazing!


Great video! I really love this series!! We miss you MJ!


i cant believe i have so much in common with no other than Michael Jackson ❤️ I love him


I've noticed that once you get to know an INTJ (Past the stoical, humorless weirdo they seem) they turn into a less boisterous ISFP/ENFP, specially in late teens/early 20's (Fi popping up like crazy in your persona) which leads many people to mistype them.


For all of those here debating on the Fe vs. Fi factors, let me share that from personal experience I resisted accepting my type for this very reason, despite so much evidence that it really was me. I'm HUGE on what looks like Fe, but I've since learned that it's a unique phenomena due to the pairing of Fi+Se as the first two functions. Somehow in combination they can compel a person very strongly towards harmony and caring for others' feelings, which is typically an Fe-thing. Not sure on the in-depth reason behind this, but it certainly settled my confusion. (As a side-note, being Fi, we are still quite aware of our own feelings AS WELL as others', so we are not as likely to neglect self-care, but unlike some Fi-users, we are much more concerned about not offending/overstepping others in the process, and are very committed to maintaining harmony in our relationships. Thus the overall appearance of being Fe, but in actuality we are still Fi.)
Secondly, for all those debating that Michael was actually an N rather than S (most common suggestions being INFP and INFJ), I would also like to share that I relate strongly to those two types and was mistyped at first, but my Se manifests so strongly as I am a highly observant and detail-oriented person, deeply focused on the aesthetics of my surroundings and noticing things that most overlook. I'm a dreamer, but while most N-types like to daydream on the theoretical and ponder possibilities, I prefer to spend my time in la-la-land imagining beautiful things that I could actually make happen in real life! If it isn't plausible, I'm not interested. (Not much for fantasy, sorry..) But the idea of actually experiencing these things someday is very enticing to me and I do spend a fair amount of time in my head with those thoughts. I also spend a lot of time visually planning things out before doing them. So you can see how this is a more practical way of daydreaming (not trying to criticize though) rather than theoretical, but it often gets us mistyped as an intuitive (N)at first. I have read that the ISFP is the most able to relate to N-types out of all the S-types, so maybe that helps settle some confusion as well. Hope this makes sense! I'm not sure my sentences are flowing smoothly here, but these are complex concepts to explain, so I felt the need to use a lot of parenthesis mid-sentence for clarification purposes. All of this has taken me awhile to grasp, but it really did help me to stop thinking, "Oh, I'm kind of this personality, but also some of that one too; which one is really me?" The ISFP is easy to misunderstand at first glance of the profile, so my intention here is to bring it to life in 3D for improved understanding!


ISFP for sure, and not just because he was an artist.


I noticed a lot of main characters and well known celebrities like marilyn monroe, Michael jackson, rihanna, Audrey Hepburn, jeon jungkook are all isfps🤔


Question, do you think infjs and isfps would make a good, stable couple? I’ve heard yes and no. Does anyone have any experience with an isfp?


I mean, this exact story is repeating with Billie Eilish, another ISFP.


It's my brother and my mother's types 😂 paired with my INTP self and my father's istj. Also can you do a video on functions because I get confused there as people say like sensory inferior or child or tertiary..😖 help~
