Daisho: Survival of a Samurai - Heroes Upgrade Tutorial

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You can make a Hero stronger by upgrading his Level, Stars, Rank, and Abilities.

Hero Levels
- Each new Hero Level increases Hero stats.
- There are 2 ways to level up a Hero: by gaining experience from completing Campaign Missions and by spending gold in the Hero Menu at the Heroes Camp.
- Hero Levels also increase the maximum level of Hero Abilities.

Hero Stars (Evolving a Hero)
- Hero Stars additionally improve Hero's stats. For example, at level 10 a Hero with 1 star will have 50 Strength, while a Hero of the same level with 2 Stars will have 65 Strength.
- The higher the hero's level, the more significant the improvement in stats from Hero Stars.
- Upon obtaining a new Star, Heroes' stats will be recalculated based on Heroes' current level.
- New Hero Stars are obtained by collecting enough Hero Shards. Collect shards of different heroes in various mechanics such as campaign missions, hero chests, traders, and unique events.

Hero Rank
- Equipping a full set of items allows you to increase the Hero's Rank.
- Raising the Rank is necessary to unlock new Hero Abilities.
- Additionally, each equipped item enhances the Hero's stats.

Hero Abilities
- Hero abilities are unlocked as the Hero's Rank increases.
- A certain Hero Level and some Gold are required to upgrade Abilities.
- Detailed characteristics and descriptions of Abilities can be viewed in the Hero menu at the Heroes' Camp.
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