Lets Talk About TUGS

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This show is pretty epic init?
Sorry for the lack of uploads, I haven't been feeling the best but I'm going to try give this YouTube thing a shot again, I hope you enjoy this!


#Tugs #ThomastheTankEngine #CartoonReview
"Thomas and friends" "TUGS" "Tank Engine" "Thomas" "British Animation" "Cartoon Review" "Tugs Review" "Theodore Tugboat"
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Jeez the earrape when Ten Cents was calling out Sunshine scared the hell outta me.


Sunshine : *s h i t*


Fun fact: The term “Bluenose” is actually a slang term from the 1920s that means a person that’s a buzzkill


Now the Tugs crew was basically, pretty much everyone who worked on Thomas and Friends. Everyone, except Britt Allcroft. This caused a bit of a rift between her and David Mitton, the director of Tugs and T&F, and she tried suing him for using the eye mechanisms for Thomas on Tugs. Course he invented the mechanism so it was mute in a while. After Tugs was cancelled she awkwardly rehired him and practically everyone else to continue working on Thomas.


Have you heard of the 96? After David Mitton passed, they found 96 scripts of tugs episodes, roughly 7 seasons worth of content!


1:51 i can feel the "most replayed" coming at precisely 126 MPH


I did hear that Hercules was going to get his own episode but was canceled due to the plot being physically impossible on a set. At least it was taken into consideration.


if I could say something here. Tugs is one of those underrated shows of all time, if this show didn't get cancelled, and had more seasons. I have an odd feeling in me that it would have become successful.

as someone who has watched both Thomas and Tugs growing up, I have always preferred Tugs over Thomas duo to it's dark adult themes, I love Thomas, but Tugs is just a show that does everything to the point that it's hard to believe that this exists, in a good way I mean


It's amazing how they filmed it in water
In ghosts, they had a scene about Grampus spraying water onto top hat, even with his opened face mask
which could've had the eye mech exposed, but surprisingly he still worked
This show was great, only wished it went on further to a second season
hell, I'd take half of a second season before it would've ended


Fun fact on O.J,
O.J was based on the real life paddle steam tug "Eppleton Hall", and O.J's model is used in Thomas,


Absolutely stellar video! You're absolutely on the money about Sunshine's character at 8:58, not reading too much into it at all (there is a LOT beneath the surface of this show) - the tie-in books reveal Sunshine was "regarded as an orphan tug", having no family fleet to speak of. His original design in pre-production was much more weathered and worn, suggesting he was in poor standing to begin with, hopping from port-to-port to earn enough to survive - his stint with the Stars was his only shot, and he felt like he blew it. Believe it or not, in the original drafts of the episode, he actually sinks himself out of shame, in a clear analogue for a suicide attempt. It's dark stuff, but all the more engaging once you rewatch the episode through that lens - the banger music was a nod to the EastEnders theme, and it was originally REALLY going to _earn_ it.

Also the rare US dub of the show ( *not* Salty's Lighthouse) fixed Izzy Gomez's character completely when they redubbed it, he's like the best part of the episode there now lol


5:42 kinda reminds me of that time when James fell off the set in the smelters scene by accident in the magic railroad. It wasn't shown, the the model was actually damaged


Two things:
-Mitton was a pyrotechnics expert, so yes I imagine Munitions was just him flexing his capabilities 😂 I've heard they filmed it with the fire exits open, and most crewmembers wore masks due to the smoke
-From what I've heard, there were two Hercules episodes planned, but both were scrapped due to how difficult they'd be to film. One involved him towing multiple ocean liners around (scrapped because the liners were just too huge and unwieldy) and another involving him venturing up to Greenland (which also would've apparently introduced a human crew)
If the show was rebooted in an animated format, I think they could easily make both 🤭


The second series would have taken place Up River and introduced new characters like the diesel tug (a character which was planned for series 1, but his introduction was moved to series 2 after David Mitton got fed up with the Bigg City Port set). It’s a shame this second season never came to be.


It should probably be noted that, in an early draft of Sunshine, Sunshine was going to try and sink himself because he was so ashamed of what he had done. Obviously, this was deemed too dark for kids, and cut for the final cut.


The Tug "O.J" was named before the O.J Simpson situation


I’m so glad this video caught my eye! The art in the thumbnail was so cute!!


The intro theme sounds like a love ballad because it it. The guy who composed it forgot it at the time, but he wrote this piece a few years before the show and it had lyrics. And yeah, it was a love ballad.

This comes from an interview with the guy, though I forgot which one.

Also, please turn down the earrape. It's way too loud.


Very underrated video about this series. I think I originally discovered what Tugs was on YouTube in 2013, as there were Thomas YouTubers who made videos on Tugs. But I never watched it at that time. I think it was around 2019 when I officially became a fan of the show. It's sad it only got 13 episodes.


You've gotta stip woth the jumpscares lol. Im at the god damn gym and ive almost dropped weights into myself twice now lol
