Why is God so Silent?

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Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!"

Does it ever seem like God is silent in your life? In this video I give three reasons why it seems like God is silent.

1. God is silent because He wants to GET OUR ATTENTION
2. God is silent because He wants to INCREASE OUR FAITH
3. God is silent because He wants to REVEAL HIMSELF TO US

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In my 20 year Christian walk. I finally figured out that it's not God that's pulling away. He never does that to his children. Normally when I feel down or I'm missing my Lord, it time for me to dig in. Dig into his words, meditate on HIM, I listen to praise music and I love hearing his words so I listen to some of my favorite pastors preach. I do some bible studies. That helps so much. You just have to remain focused on HIM. Keep your eyes on the prize. I do this while I'm at work, cleaning. Doing dishes. It's so easy to gut busy and sidetracked. But pray, pray always. Know your Lord. He's a wonderful and amazing God.


Please pray for me I feel His silence but I must not faint I will still believe


Three reasons why God is silence:

1)God wants to draw us closer to him.
2)He want to increase our faith.
3)He wants to reveal himself to us in a fresh new way.

Thank you Jesus.


I need a prayer of healing in my body. Thank you and Thank God for His healing


Please keep me in prayer over my finances. I need a better paying job.


God's ways are way to wonderful for me to understand!! Following God is not easy by any means. Thanks for the Post Allan!!!


Please pray for me about increasing my faith to Him. 😭


I'm passing through the silent of God now...


As my pastor often says, the teacher is always silent during a test.


Amen! Amen! Amen! God has been silent to me for years and it was during THE most difficult time of my life when I got sick and had to give up, literally everything I had going for my life because I was so sick. I called out to God so many times and He did not seem to be around. I had little faith then because I started to question why God has forsaken me to put me in such a horrible situation when all I did (what I thought I did) was follow Him. Finally after almost 3 yrs, I got my answer 2 months ago. I found Jesus Christ again and this time, not only did I found Him, I experienced Him. I finally surrendered and gave up my life for Him. I was getting to a point where I was just getting sick and tired of trying to gain control of my life. So I gave it up. I repented and immediately, God has made His presence known to me again and this time, even more! He gave me the Holy Spirit and I can now finally say God lives in me and I in Him. As a result, God has healed me of my suffering. Although I still have some of the symptoms, I know that anytime now, this too will go away. God is so amazing and so wonderful! All I needed to do was to accept Him fully and to surrender my life to Him. All along I thought He has condemned me but really, all God was trying to do was to get me back closer to Him. Interestingly enough, before I got sick, I remember praying to God to draw me closer to Him more as I felt I was drifting away from Him. Months later and I got sick. I did not understand why I had to go through it but now, He has revealed His plan and answered my prayer years before. He brought me closer to Him. I have come back to Christ.


The reason am facing a storm in my relationship with my girl. Because I have forgotten to seek HIM in due season. Now I feel HIM closer than ever. HALLELUJAH!!!


This video has blessed me tremendously today! Right now I desperately need prayer for my son. We are going through a very stressful time and I am worried out of my mind for my son. Please pray for him. Thank you and God bless you Pastor.


good video 👍 my husband and i are going through some tight finances, and this time its my job. its been really really hard and depressing. but i notice when i just put my 100% faith in Jesus to provide enough money He always does. its scary and cool at the same time. please lift us up in prayer during this difficult time.


This describes how my life has been, sometimes we want instant results, when really, God is answering our prayers, just not as fast as we like. I look back, and can see how far the Lord has brought me. I believe me finding your videos, is god speaking to me, through your teachings


For a while now God has not been silent in my life. But there were times when He was. Idw Him to be silent any more. Idl the feelings and isolation it brings.


Such an awesome reminder as to where our eyes and hearts should be in everyday life as well as times of trouble. Thank you Brother Allen!


I totally agree. This is what happened to me in 2019 when God the Father permitted a seemingly impossible situation to occur, to draw me to him, to increase my faith, and to humble me as well. Thank you 🙏


Listened to this today and it def spoke to me in my season. He is revealing Himself to be MY STRENGTH!


Alright no one can tell me God doesn’t hear them. I’ve been losing my mind bout to get evicted my finances are getting destroyed 😂😂 and I’ve been feeling so alone. I’ve fasted I’ve prayed I’ve asked myself over and over why I can’t hear from God. That in itself has been discouraging me! But then last Sunday at work I just got a sense of RELIEF YOOO!! Like I just felt like everything was gonna be okay! And honestly doors are opening up left and right I’m just randomly happy even when nonsense comes to try and bring me down. THANK YOU JESUS!!! I want that college degree faith SUMMA CUM LAUDE!!


My sister has been married to a very controlling and at times verbally/ emotionally abusive man for 14 years. My sister is a believer. Her husband wasn't a believer when they got married but supposedly he did become one later. He did get baptised. However, he reflects very little growth that he is allowing God to transform him into a new creation through Christ. Even though he has always been a challenge they were making things work up until 2 months ago when he started giving her the silent treatment and moved out of their bedroom to another room in the house. Since then she has begged for an explanation as to what changed and he's been very reluctant to provide answers. When he does talk he blames her for all their problems. She's asked him to do marriage counseling and he refuses. She's asked if he wants a divorce and he won't say. However, she did ask if they sold their house would the next place they move be together or separate and he said separate so it's like he is double minded. It's like he is playing chicken with her and being mean to the point of making the living conditions intolerable so she'll leave so he won't look like the bad guy. She told him early on when this started that divorce wasn't an option because she takes her vows seriously even if he is difficult. However she wonders how long she has to put up with a spouse who has clearly checked out of their relationship and has no interest to work on it. Can you please provide any biblical guidance or reference material I can read. She doesn't want to make the wrong decision and I don't want to give her bad advice. Unfortunately they had stopped going to church regularly so they don't have that relationship to fall back on. My sister has started going back to church with their daughter but her husband refuses to go with them. I've encouraged her to speak to a pastor at this church but she hasn't done it yet. She did meet with a pastor of a church she used to attend and he said it sounds like she has a decision to make as to whether to stay or leave. She also went to a marriage councelor on her own and was again told she'll have to make a decision as to when to end things but no one will tell her specifics so my sister feels lost. I have watched sermons about marriage and mainly the focus as to whether the covenant relationship can be broken is if there is infidelity (he says he hasn't cheated), or if an unbelieving spouse walks out, or death of a spouse. There isn't much said about abuse unless it is physical, which he hasn't done. There is only so much she can do if the other spouse isn't willing to work on the problem.  They live in zip code 27312 if you know of any good churches or Christian counselors you could recommend. Thanks for your time. And at the very least I welcome prayers for reconciliation, repentance and forgiveness on all sides. We do feel like God is being silent and it's a hard place to be. I need help in my own flesh that I don't give in to despair because I know he can work a miracle. Mostly I lack faith in the humans to make the right decisions.
