India Ranked in top 5 Countries on Climate Change Performance Index

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India is ranked among the top five countries, as per the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI). India is also the best among the G-20 nations giving a major confidence boost to the energy transition programmes that the country has been undertaking. The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is an instrument to enable transparency in national and international climate politics. The rankings are published by German Watch, New Climate Institute and Climate Action Network International based in Germany. India jumps two spots higher, and is now ranked 8th as per (CCPI, 2023). But the first, second and third ranks were not awarded to any country. In effect, therefore India’s rank becomes 5th*.
*According to an official statement from the ministry of power.
The latest report of CCPI, released at COP 27 in November 2022, shows Denmark, Sweden, Chile and Morocco as the only four small countries that were ranked above India. Published annually since 2005, the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) uses a standardized framework to compare the climate performance of 59 countries and the EU,
which together account for 92% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
*According to the official CCPI statement. The climate protection performance of these countries is assessed in four categories — GHG Emissions (40% of the overall score), Renewable Energy (20%), Energy Use (20%) and Climate Policy (20%).
*According to the official CCPI statement
India earned a high rating in the GHG Emissions and Energy Use categories, while a medium rating for Climate Policy and Renewable Energy.
*According to an official statement from the ministry of power.
The new ranking shows that policies of India towards transitioning towards renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency are having a considerable impact. If the new CCIP reports are to be believed, India is on track to meet its 2030 emissions targets.
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Absolutely!! Right rating after a long time. India deserve this rating because of India's policies on energy transition phase. Govt. Make many policies related climate change but grassroot level implementation of these policies community level participation is required. Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for environment) is best initiative for carbon neutral target


1- The ocean and costal ecosystems have received increased recognition under the UNFCCC. But we must ensure that Mangroves are not only valued for being carbon storage heroes.
2- We need to accelerate proven solutions that also protect Bbiodiversity - because we know we can´t have climate action without biodiversity protection.ForNature
3- The Ocean is not a dumping ground for our carbon. NatureBasedSolutions such as mangroves and other blue carbon ecosystems should be prioritized before any technical carbon-removing


This is a visionary government that meets its targets. Jai Hind 🇮🇳


Great news, however we shouldn't be overly complacent, see the articles/documentaries on India's net-zero commitment of 2070, which is like saying "forget it and leave it for the future generations" - bitter but true.


Great! Global North should chip in now


Looks like the rank of Climate Change doesn't affect how the climate is in India after all the ground breaking summer records no one can say that there is a good climate change in India


India is also the the country with the highest number of cattle which produce methane which contributes 28 times more to climate change than co2 . It is also the country with the lowest consumption per capita of beef .
