Glazier | $79,340 to cut and install glass 👷‍♂️🏠🏨

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#glazier #careers #money
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As a 25 year union glazier jobs are off and on you will work 60 hours a week
one month and the next month work 20 or 0 it’s not for everyone it’s has extreme highs and extreme lows and is very stressful physically demanding and dealing with people that are convinced felons to drug addicts and alcoholics
About 70 percent of them
There are very few good men in the trades these days because of DEI hires
It used to be a gentleman’s trade and many generations have done this trade
The induction of DEi has ruined the trade and given jobs to many men and women who are not physically able to do the job
And jobs in the city’s must have a certain amount of women and minorities on site no matter there skill set and many white men are unemployed and not able to take care of there family’s and end up taking there life of getting into dependency of substances to numb there pain because there not wanted because the color of there skin or grew up outside the city but these men are highly qualified and skilled workers and
