How to ONE SHOT an Archon! (2022) | Warframe

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Yes, literally. Skip straight to the next stage with basically no fighting by using any combination of these frames and weapons.

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Captions on this video were provided by Malysitos, edited by TheKengineer.
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As of the Abyss of Dagath update 18th Oct '23, these setups no longer one shot an Archon. They are still perfectly viable damage setups for doing the fights, but the shock and awe factor is gone.


Guess I'm renaming my Kuva Hek into Izanagi's Burden.


The Hek carried me from jupiter to the Sacrifice, and it seems the Kuva Hek will carry me even further


I just want to say as Ivara main, you can cancel the laser disco with Sleep Arrow


the stropha was made to kill aerolysts, I remember when protea was showcased and paublo used it with her around scarlet spear's release on a devstream


I'm glad you brought up the laetum/Xata's whisper combo. I use this on my trinity. Xata's whisper is essentially a guaranteed separate bullet that deals a portion of your original shot’s aggregate damage. This separate bullet is classified as being of the weapon that dealt the original damage. Since every projectile in an anti-crit laetum build has a 50% chance of multiplying damage by 21x, you could use Xata's whisper to double dip. Say a bullet does 100 damage, and Xata's whisper has 50% magnitude. If your first shot procs, you deal 2100 damage from the normal shot + 1050 damage from the Xata's whisper shot. If the Xata's whisper shot procs, you only deal 100 damage + 1050 damage. If BOTH shots proc, you deal 2100 damage + (1050 x 21) = 24150 damage. This is a multiplication of original damage by 241.5 times, and all of this is applied AFTER mods. It is very easy to get Xata's whisper well past 50% magnitude, so you can imagine how utterly ridiculous this gets. It gets even more insane when a faction mod is equipped, as Xata's whisper double dips into those as well.


Always such a great breakdown of mechanics and strategies. Truly a blessing to the Warframe community.


The Phenmor definitely is the right in between of one shot and the fight feeling like work while fighting the boss.... if you want to see what the boss has to offer definitely try Phenmor


if you DO use Ivara I recommend using eclipse for a larger damage buff because activating prowl in a light spot will give you permanent access to the light buff as long as you dont drop prowl


I've been looking for detailed excplanation on how archon's damage reduction works and why Hek and Incarnon weapons work better against it. Thank you.


Note: Zenurik can slow down the archon to allow easier headshots. However I’m not sure if the headshot damage bonus from that ability applies.


This is definitive proof DE needs to stop putting damage attention on things

It does LITERALLY NOTHING to stop min-max players from one tapping bosses BUT it does make content IMPOSSIBLE for the average player


I really like this, and I made a few tweaks to improve it. I sacrificed rolling guard for empowered quiver and changed intensify for umbral intensify. This gives me an extra %220 percent crit damage, and hanging out on a zip line is safer than being on the ground. Also and your hanging out above him headshots are easier to make, you dont have to get him facing just the right way. With this build I can one shot the archon without roar or other damage buffs.


I really wanna know the reactions of those randoms you accidently queued with when you one shot that archon lmao


Fun fact, rhino roar stacks with subsumed rhino roar


I suggest Empowering Quiver too. Bonus crit damage and it's easier to get headshots from above. Also works wonders with the current Archon since his phase 2 includes a sweeping attack similar to Jackal's. Which shouldn't be a problem at all if you're sitting on a wire above


Now the game itself needs to explain this and other damage dealing concepts to the players in a hands-on way and nobody would ever complain about bosses being too bulky.

Anyway fantastic explanation, thanks for doing DE's job for them :D


I love that the Kuva Hek is STILL the best Single Target Headshot weapon in the game. Pretty sure it's recommended to be used against the Nemesis' "Liches" and "Sisters", and now it's a murder machine. Luckily I have a Ivara so this shouldn't be too hard.
Edit: I'll need to get myself a Kuva Hek with of course Toxin, but I have a stockpile of Requiem Mods, and a lot more powerful weapons then before.


What annoys me the most about damage attenuation is that I thought I could use my Chroma for once


The reason it feels the incarnon weapons get a larger benefit from xata's whisper than they should has everything to do with xata's whisper being an "extra hit" ability. There are only three abilities in the game that are considered "extra hit" and those abilities are Saryn's toxic lash, xata's whisper, and technically zephyr's tornados, but zephyr's tornados require some specific interactions to be extra hits, as well as navigating some weird janky mechanics that DE definitely didn't duct tape together and call it a day. Because xata's whisper is an extra hit, any elemental bonus you put in the weapon is converted to adding damage to the extra hit's elemental (so if you use primed cryo rounds on a weapon, and activate saryn's toxic lash, that 165% weapon damage is going into your toxic lash's total damage in the damage calculation, and the same thing goes for xata's whisper.) On top of that, you're using roar as well, and roar is counted in the game's code as faction damage. The way it works directly is by just stuffing itself where the faction damage is calculated in the multiplier, so if you have a primed bane mod for +55% and activate a rhino buff for 50%, the faction damage modifier becomes 105% (and in game is expressed as "(1*damage*damage modifiers)*(1+0.55+0.5 faction damage)* (1+crit and headshots and other shit you probably already know but if you don't just use the wiki lmao).")

The way extra hit abilities interact with faction damage and multishot specifically are super well known in the endurance running community, and it's one of the ways players have been able to achieve billions of damage seemingly out of nowhere for the longest time, turning thinks like the MK-1 Kunai with the mod concealed explosives into level-cap-steel-path viable killing tools. The multiplicative interactions that are happening are super convoluted and the fact that you found the same result when running these missions is no surprise to me. It's just a surprise that the extra hit mechanic is working on the archon fights, seeing as how everybody was saying that the archons are "immune to abilities" and I was assured that saryn and zephyr would be bunk. If you have any questions I'll gladly answer, and if you wanna really get into it I have a few youtubers who make really great content explaining this stuff way more thoroughly than I can
