Year in Review: 2015 | Rob Portman for Senate

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After 12 years representing Southwest Ohio in Congress, Rob served in two cabinet level positions in the Bush Administration – including one where he proposed a balanced budget – came home for 3 years, then was elected to the Senate in 2010, winning by an impressive 18 points.

Rob has built a reputation in the Senate as a conservative who gets things done for Ohioans and for our country. Rob has an A rating from the NRA and voted against the Democrats' bill to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. He has a 100% rating from National Right to Life and introduced his own legislation to protect the unborn.

In the Senate, Rob has taken the lead in fighting against President Obama and Harry Reid's excessive spending. Rob supports a Balanced Budget Amendment, and he led the effort and got the entire Republican caucus to agree on his pro-growth Senate Republican Jobs Plan.

Despite the gridlock in Congress, Rob has had 33 of his bills signed into law, including legislation to help combat drug abuse, to help stop human trafficking, to stop waste and fraud in government spending, and to reform federal worker retraining programs so they work better for Ohio.

In 2014, Rob served as the National Finance Chairman of the Republican Senate Campaign Committee and everyone agrees he played a key role in winning a Republican majority in the United States Senate. Rob was born and raised in Cincinnati, where he lives today with his wife, Jane. They have three children – and one dog – and have been married for 28 years.
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