EP126 | GISB, Bahaya Kultus dan Bahana Taksub

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Audio Siar Keluar Sekejap Episod 126 yang menampilkan tetamu khas Dr. Maza, Mufti Perlis antaranya membincangkan dengan lebih mendalam tentang isu yang telah menjadi perbualan ramai iaitu GISB.

Keluar Sekejap juga mengulas tentang bahaya kultus dan bahana taksub serta politik kepartian yang mempunyai latar belakang Islam.

EP.126 Timestamps:
0:00 Intro
0:51 Genosid Di Gaza & Tindak Balas Iran
7:11 Selamat Datang Dr. MAZA
13:35 Latar Belakang GISB
27:15 Pemesongan Akidah: Tanggungjawab Siapa?
29:03 Ciri & Amalan Menyeleweng Akidah
32:59 Definisi & Bahaya Kultus
50:01 Kenapa Orang Terpedaya Kultus?
51:37 Islam Tidak Mencapai Potensi Sepatutnya?
55:57 Institusi Pendidikan Islam Di Malaysia
1:02:32 Fatwa Di Negeri-Negeri Berbeza?
1:09:10 Bahana Taksub Kepada Manusia
1:20:29 Keperluan Setia Kepada Pemimpin?
1:21:59 Parti & Gerakan Politik Islam
1:32:35 Bagaimana Henti Budaya Kultus?
1:34:32 Imej Dr. MAZA
1:40:49 RUU Mufti (Wilayah Persekutuan) 2024
1:48:47 Sedia Sertai Gelanggang Politik?
1:51:29 Terima Kasih Dr. MAZA

Dulu saya salah faham anggap Dr Maza sesat sebab ramai ustaz2 kampung cakap mcm tu. Tapi suatu hari bila saya cuba dengar penjelasan Dr Maza dgn hati terbuka dan berlapang dada saya semakin faham maksud2 beliau.

Terima kasih Dr Maza, banyak memecahkan kekeliruan saya tentang agama dan hukum hakam melalui pembelajaran hadis 👍👍


baru sekarang sy faham apa tu islam. a very well explained by Dr. Mazza. im a chinese, i watched the whole episode listening to Dr.Mazza explaining what is Islam.


this guy is a national treasure. he says it as it is. Islam is evidence based and requires critical thinking. May Allah swt bless him and our country always.


Wow wow wow KS.
The one & only Sahibus Samahah, Datuk Arif Perkasa, Dr Muhammad Asri Zainal Abidin, Mufti Negeri Perlis..❤

p/s: As a non muslim, Dr MAZA lah rujukan utama saya (since 2010) utk kenal & belajar keindahan Islam. Thanks Dr 😊


This KS podcast began as an exposé into GISB but ended up leaving me breathless as it highlighted many issues that have plagued our society. Central to the discussion is the intersection of politics and religion, particularly the standards we should expect from leaders who claim to represent Islam. The conversation was so powerful that even KJ and SH remained silent as Dr. Maza elaborated on his thoughtful analysis.

Allow me to distill three key points that resonated and left me breathless from the discussion:

*1. On Politicizing Islam for Political Gains*
Dr. Maza addressed the conflation of faith with its followers and the need to separate support for faith-based parties from support for the faith itself. He emphasised this brilliantly when he said,

“Kalau kita sertai party A, bererti kita menyertai Islam. Tapi kalau tidak menyokong parti A awak tidak menyokong Islam.” He further drove the point home with, “Kadang-kadang saya tak sokong parti A kerana cara parti A kurang tepat, bukan kerana saya tak sokong Islam.”

This should encourage everyone to scrutinise the actions of these parties before offering their support. My favorite line from Dr. Maza was, “Muslim itu kadang-kadang salah tapi Islam itu betul.” This is also a reminder to non-muslims not to have a skewed interpreation of Islam from the practices of a few deviants.

*2. On the Institution of Tahfiz and Its Graduates*
Dr. Maza questioned why Tahfiz institutions are considered sacred cows or untouchable in our society, to the extent that those who call for audits in their administration, finances, and quality of teachers are viewed as anti-Islam. He raised concerns about the future of Tahfiz graduates who may lack the skills to integrate economically or socially into society, potentially leading them toward fanaticism.

Dr. Maza remarked, “Bila ada nama Islam, ada yang berpendapat tak boleh disentuh. Dan ini sepatutnya ada nama Islam, dia punya standard sepatutnya tinggi.” He clearly stated that the standards for these institutions or any Islamic entity should be set higher and suggested improvements for their administration and teaching quality. The brute honesty in wanting to set high accountable standards for Islamic entity should be lauded and considered by policymakers seriously.

*3. On Religious Fanaticism vs. Political Party Zealots*
I saved this point for last because it was the most surprising segueway in the podcast. Initially, the episode aimed to expose GISB, specifically how ignorance and blind allegiance to its charismatic leaders give them immense control over their followers. Dr. Maza discussed how the leaders' actions go unquestioned, how followers are mentally constrained (mandulkan), and how policies are intentionally designed to make followers dependent on the leaders’ largess and generosity. It was unsettling to realise that these tactics are not exclusive to religious movements but also resemble the strategies employed by some political parties and how they are using these same strategies in remaking themselves ‘relevant’ today.

It is true that knowledge sheds light on ignorance and Dr Maza’s point on the importance of educating the public to call-out on such leaders for misusing Islam for political purpose aligns with my hope that we will be able to solve this problem moving forward. The word *pentaksuban* - whether dalam ugama atau politics is worth remembering in terms of the form and shape it takes and how their followers behave and conduct themselves in public or online. This is something that this podcast has shed light into. (Maybe we can invite Dr Maza again to dwell deeper on the political discourses that rides on religion in this country for more insights)

Kudos to KJ and SH for steering the conversation beyond just GISB to include contemporary issues that affect us all. Thank You also for allowing Dr Maza to speak at considerable length and not pulling punches in terms of asking many Dr Maza inconvenient question, many of those we often consider as 'out of bound' type questions, especially those that pertain to Islam and our cultural practices in this country.

No amount of applause is enough for Dr. Maza, except to say that he is a gem for his knowledge (ilmu), simplicity in explanation, and humility—even when he is right and in allowing himself to be open to criticism. This explains why he has many non-Muslim followers, as he exemplifies how faith should be rooted in critical thinking and evidence, and in reminding all of us Muslims that in order to navigate future challenges we must have a deep understanding and knowledge of our Deen. Amin


You can always tell when KJ and SH have admiration for a guest. Their body language is different (body hugging and rubbing their arms a lot) and a bit of silent respect. Dr MAZA’s answers are very well structured without losing his point. Even when KJ asked about his view of political parties using Islam, his answer was supported with historical context and future pragmatism. This is one of the Top 15 KS episodes. Well done KS!


saya bukan muslim, lama dah follow penulisan Dr Maza. Pencerahan dan ulasan isu-isu semasa yg jelas. mesej agama yang konsisten dan tidak berpolitik. tidak pernah menyingung atau memperburukan penganut agama2 lain atau membuat perbandingan agama2 lain dengan fakta yg tidak tepat sepertimana kebanyakan ustaz2 lain. saya berharap KS akan terus menjemput beliau dalam episod2 akan datang. Thanks KS dan Dr utk episod kali ini.


Tanpa merendahkan mufti2 yg lain..DR Maza is indeed the best mufti yg kita ada..ilmu is one thing..wisdom dan contemporary is another advantage he had


Otak yang dah lama lemau, terus rasa satu level lebih pandai bila dengar podcast ni 🫡😅. Berjaya dengar smpai habis episod Dr.Maza ni. Mendengar 3 talented figures ni bercakap, rasa tak cukup hampir 2 jam satu episod. Lontaran idea yang keluar macam air, pemilihan perkataan yg cukup cantik dan tersusun, soalan yang diberi walaupun jawapannya berkembang tp masih terjawab dan tak menyimpang. Perbualan podcast 'org bijak dan matured', memberi, mendengar, sopan dan santai, tak menjerit dan memalukan sesiapa, hormat dan profesional. Nampak beza betul perwatakan org ada adab dan berilmu. Respect 🫡. Tkasih KS!


dulu tak minat Dr Maza tp bila dah ikut kuliah beliau terus jdi peminat. Tetapi sentiasa ingatkan diri supaya tidak taksub kerana itu juga yg Dr Maza mahukan iaitu jgn taksub terhadap dirinya. Terbaik Dr 👍🏻


Beginilah patutnya Mufti di Malaysia.
Bukan sekadar tulis sahaja di media. Tapi kena tampil dan mendepani masyarakat dan gunakan ruang yg ada utk perjelaskan ummat berkenaan isu2 yg membelenggu muslim di Malaysia.

Tahniah KS.
This episode is Fantastic n Penuh ilmiah


Alhamdulillah, a lot of Malaysians are finally opening their eyes and I do hope a lot more will. This is the ‘wahabi’ yg banyak orang muslim sendiri tomah2 selama ni tanpa usul periksa dan tanpa sekali pun mendengar kuliah/syarahan beliau. Kalau ada masa lebih cuba2 lah tengok video Dr.Maza and his team, you would find that Islam is quite simple, easy to understand and most importantly a beautiful religion ❤

Semoga Allah memberkati dan meberikan kesihatan yg baik kpd Dr Maza.


saya non-muslim, tapi saya suka pencerahan Dr Maza, lebih jelas pemahaman islam saya jika dibandingkan dengan buku teks SPM....
banyak persoalan non-muslim yang terjawab dalam sesi KS ni...


bagi orang yang suka berfikir dan berfikiran kritis, mesti suka dgn Dr Maza... malangnya orang yg jenis suka mengikut tanpa berfikir selalu labelkan dia wahabi.


Thank you Dr.Maza. You showed me what's the real Islam teaching which having big contrast of the mass Muslim that i known. You have my respect.


Pelik kenapa ramai yang x suka DrMaza. Cakapnya mudah untuk diterima logik akal. Moga Dr di pelihara dan terus menyumbang untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kita dalam memahami dan mempraktik islam yang sebenar


sebenarnya aku berbangga dan bersyukur orang seperti DR maza ini ada di malaysia. sbb untuk aku ilmu2 yang bernas, berilmu, logik selalu di keluarkan oleh DR maza


dalm podcast ni..kita dapat lihat bro kj dan bro shahril seolah2 teruja dapat dengar penjelasan dari dr maza...kerana setiap soalan dr maza dapat jawab dengan jelas...bagi yang anti dr maza..semoga terbuka hati untuk mendengar kuliah dr maza..1jam lebih tanpa skip video😁👍👍


Podcast ilmiah + ‘lelaki ilmiah’ = superbb 🙌🏼


Aku bukan nak mengkultuskan Dr MAZA ini tapi bagi aku dia adalah agamawan yang betul2 bersungguh membangunkan umat Islam. Bertuah betul orang Perlis dapat seorang mufti seperti dia ini. Harap2 mufti lain ambil iktibar lah dan ikut jejak Dr MAZA ini
