Reacting to Shocking and Emotional Confessions from Detransitioners on TikTok

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In this video we discuss the stories of detransitioners, the regret some of them are facing and the harsh reality of it all.

0:00 - Intro
2:03 - Brainwashed by TikTok
8:17 - 40 Y/O Detrans
12:04 - Trans vs Detrans
15:01 - Trans Teen Surgery
20:16 - Health Complications
24:26 - Outro



My main goal is to provide you the tools to rationally share your opinion on tough topics.

I've adopted the mindset that you can either be a victim of your past or a victor of your future and that at some point, you have to move forward in your life and accept that you are the present manifestation of the past.

I'll always be here to share my thoughts and offer a new perspective on tough topics. From politics to culture and self-development to new ideas, I'm here to talk about it all.

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STORYTIME. I have a friend who never wanted kids. Just never did. We’ve known each other since we were teenagers. When she was in college she inquired about getting her tubes tied. No one would do it. She was 22 years old and they said that she may meet a man when she’s older and then regret not being able to have children. She tried again at 26 and no one would do it. So tell me why this grown educated woman wasn’t allowed to make this decision for herself and yet a 12 year old can decide to change their whole gender??


why did it hit so hard when the last girl said "Transitioning was sold to me as a hardware fix for software issues?" That statement shook me.


People under 21 in the US can’t even buy a cigarette lighter!!!! But a 15 year old can make these life changing medical changes!?!? Where are we!?


When I was 12 I experienced an attempted rape from a class mate. After that horrible experience I was scared of men, and I did everything possible to my feminine figure disappear. I acted as boyish as possible, used baggy clothes, cut my hair short. Avoided everything feminine out of fear. I just wanted to be a man, so that unwanted attention from boys and men wouldn't come my way. I would have been called a trans in modern days...and it is scary! I was just a girl afraid of being a girl. As the years passed, all that went away, and I'm a woman living with my husband, and happy to be a woman. I might still prefer to do masculine things and dress more masculine from time to time, but def I am not trans.


Trans tiktok: "can't you detransition in private?"

Me: can't YOU transition in private?


They say, “It’s the parents’ choice!!” …. Until the parents don’t agree with transitioning their children. Then the parents are bigots that need their rights revoked. It’s actually pretty sad & terrifying.


You know it's a "Cult" when you try to leave the "Cult" and the rest of the Cult turns on you for daring to leave. That's sadly the tragedy of many who de-trans. They get all this support when they trans, but... the moment they change their mind, they're now the devil.


19:20 I remember something Chloe said that always haunted me. Something along the lines of the doctors asking her parents "Would you rather have a dead daughter or a trans son?" to scare them into letting her transition. The amount of manipulation and lies that are told to children and even some parents is horrifying.


Personally I am grateful for detransitioners as they are the reason I realized I am not actually trans. Saved me a lot of pain and disappointment. IMHO actual trans people don’t get mad at detransitioners. It’s the people who are insecure in their chosen identity who are the loudest haters.


I’m detrans and there are tons of us, we are just bullied into not speaking out.


The last guy, Shapeshifter, did an interview with Blaire White where he said if someone had just told him that no amount of surgeries would ever make him a real woman, he would have never transitioned and lived as an effeminate gay man. These people are being led to believe that they can legitimate change sex which is not and has never been the case, but obviously a child (or person getting all their info from Tik Tok) would not understand that. Looking like a woman will not make you a woman. That's why it's so important to highlight detransitioners. Because a lot of these kids are just androgynous but think they're the wrong gender for being tomboys or femboys. There's nothing wrong with being a feminine man or tomboyish woman.


This video definitely knocked some sense into me. I recently jumped into the FTM identity at 19, and even though I was scared and unsure, I was frustrated that I couldn’t fit how I feel into a label. Thank you Amir, for helping me wake tf up and allow myself to figure things out. I’m just gonna be me for a while :))


When discussing the topic of puberty blockers, someone said something that stuck with me; he said something along the lines of,
_"The majority of gender dysphoric kids will grow out of that through puberty; we're literally blocking the cure."_


One of my kids went through this, felt she was not herself. Fooled herself into believing she had to transition. I am the mom that said no, because mentally and physically she hadn’t grown into herself. I explained medical reasons and we talked about it in depth. It wasn’t just no! Because I said no! It was let’s talk about this, I would like you to tell me why, where are you at right in this moment and why do you feel the way you feel. In turn I explained to her where I was and why. She thanks me more often than I can count. She began researching and reading. That’s where parents are wrong. They don’t TALK to their kids.


I’m a straight woman and I was a tomboy, but I felt more towards men. I’m still not a girly girl but I’m still a woman. I’m really worried about this issue being forced on our younger generation.


I’m a happy trans woman and we need to stand by these detransitioners! We need better care and safeguards to help prevent future regret


My uncle George. Gay and 65 years old. His words on the matter: "Way too many trans people are just gay people who can't love themselves as they are. You've gotta love yourself first, no matter what. If you refuse to love yourself until you change every single thing you wish was different, you never will."


I love the comment about wanting Detransitioners to detransition "privately." Okay, so when you detransition, do so in the closet please, and never talk about it. The hypocrisy is just incredible.


Any cause or movement that tries to SILENCE people who disagree, instead of DEBATING them, is dangerous.
