Climate Risk Management: Key Lessons from U.S. Utilities

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As the changing climate poses mounting threats to the quality and reliability of power systems, electric utilities in the United States are taking necessary steps to identify and manage these risks. Utilities in developing countries must likewise take action to protect critical infrastructure and maintain reliable service amidst an uncertain climate future.

This webinar will highlight the experiences of two U.S. utilities that are leaders in climate risk management and resilience planning: Con Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E).

Con Edison and PG&E will deliver presentations focusing on key lessons learned and recommendations for utilities in developing countries to consider in their own climate risk management processes. The webinar will conclude with an engaging panel discussion and Q&A session.


Nelson Yip, Director, Strategic Planning, Con Edison
Charles Viemeister, Project Manager, Strategic Planning, Con Edison
Eric Kuhle, Climate Resilience Expert, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
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