Hume's Problem And How We Might ‘Solve’ It | Ruixiang Wang | TEDxYouth@JZIB

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The mirror-like "causality" in which we observe the world is knocked down by the classic Hume problem. In order to determine the authenticity of the basic laws of our cognition of the world and reshape the cognition of causality, the speech briefly outlined three types of solutions to Hume's problem: Kant's transcendental philosophy, philosophy of science, and Occam's razor principle . 我是来自交大附中IB2-5班的王睿祥。主要兴趣在于经济和历史。平日学习生活之余比较关心乒乓球赛事和社会新闻方面的内容。正如国家领导人所说:“当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局”。作为新时代的青年,我们应当更细致地审视自我,以多元的角度看待社会现象,理解表象背后的原因及深层逻辑。
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