8 Misunderstood Bible Verses About ALCOHOL | Is It REALLY a SIN?

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The Bible tells us, "And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit" (Eph. 5:18). Since it tells us not to be drunk, does that mean drinking in moderation (as long as we don't get drunk) is condoned by the Bible? Many Christians think so, and they point to a variety of verses to try to justify drinking alcohol; but is that what the Bible really says? The truth will surprise you! Watch this video to learn more.

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Do you think it's ok for Christians to drink a little bit of the devil's poison?

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I used to drink a little and so did my ex-wife. Being a Christian I used to think that a little alcohol was safe. We would have a drink or two after work, but before long she started getting drunk and often became verbally abusive amongst other things. Couldn't enjoy my drink anymore when I saw what it was doing to her so I quit. Her attitude was, God knows my problem, but it's okay anyway. Then it got to a point where it wasn't safe to keep the kids in the house with her so I left. Even though many people think alcohol is safe and most do handle it responsibly, many people develop serious problems with it. Not only is drinking not biblical and unhealthy, it's also a dangerous gamble. Also, when I was a teen one of my friends was killed by a drunk driving Catholic priest. It doesn't make for a very good witness either.


For all the people here to know, grape juice was invented in 1870 through pasteurization by Welch company for communion purposes. Fermentation begins at the moment grapes has been squeezed, becomes vinegar in a matter of hours and wine in 24 hours.


Thank you @BibleFlockBox, I’m in my first year of University, and really fed with secular ideologies. I appreciate your work! Been wtching for 6 years! 😍


Quitting alcohol was the best thing i ever did!


Funny you should mention this. My wife is passed out drunk as we speak.


Jesus did not create grape juice at the wedding as His first miracle. The guests would have been extremely angry. And Jesus was labeled a winebibber. He drank fermented wine too. Just didnt get drunk


Stopped drinking for about 5 months now I've noticed a gradual improvement in my mental health .


Would you believe I didn't try Alcohol until I was in my 30's? I drank for a little while on and off. It's been about 5 or 6 years now since I've had anything. I don't miss it.


In addition to abstaining from drunkeness, we ought not do anything which will harm the faith of others, even if it's something He allows:

Romans 14:21-22 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.

Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.


Alcohol is not a sin but getting drunk is.


I remember when I used to drink allot of alcohol. Mainly between 2006 to 2013 and I remember at least during the late 2000's, maybe up till about 2009, I used to be able to drink alcohol and still function with a job and everything. However by 2010, I wasn't and it got to a point where alcohol was really causing mi problems en life like being homeless, unemployed, sometimes even getting in trouble with the law and other things even if from how I felt, I was drinking in moderation, so about 8 years ago at least by early 2015 was when I stopped drinking entirely.


yes, I agree 100%. I tried once with friends took a beer the third swallow I left it there, it tasted bad. I put my mouth to no drink. I believe that the Lord wants us to be in His presence


The number of views vs likes is quite disheartening but reflective of where many stand. Stay strong and prayed up brothers and sisters. 🙏🏿


I got drunk a few times and I had a hangover and felt lightheaded. I try to quit but it's kinda difficult.


I have to respectfully disagree. In the New Testament, one original Greek word for wine is oinos. Proof that it is alcoholic is given in the story of the good Samaritan. The Samaritan poured oil and wine on the man's wounds (Luke 10:34), showing that the wine had enough alcoholic content to be used as an antiseptic. Would you pour grape juice or molasses on a wound?

The Greek word oinos is also used in John 2 where Jesus turned water into wine by a divine miracle. It is used in I Timothy 5:23, the command of Paul, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities." Now one could argue that here Paul suggested the use be medicinal. Ok. But you can’t use that argument for John 2.
I feel like a lot of the logic used in this video is to support his claim is presumptuous and not based on scripture.


thanks for clarifying verse 4. i always wondered about that. AMEN to you bro greg


No I don't think that drinking in moderation is sinful. Ever since being saved afterwards there's only a certain amount of alcohol that I can drink and I'm unable to consume more than a couple of drinks. It's as if God stops me from being able to consume more.


Just because a verse does not directly endorse the consumption of alcohol, does not mean it is an immediate prohibition of alcohol. The logic goes two ways and to say one way is "truth" from an ambiguous statement is as much "sin" or "satanic" as the "truth" going in the other direction.

Whether or not I condone or condemn alcohol consumption, opinions taken out of scriptural, historic and cultural context is a fallacy and shouldn't be given as absolute truth unless it is read "Thou shalt not..." in the Bible. If it isn't denying the Messiah or disobedience to the Father, let a man have his own convictions unless it is obvious sin that the word clearly says don't do.


Hi, I always say, we need to know our purpose on the earth, our purpose for creation. And that is to be an enjoyment to our creator God. Everything God created is good. How we use the things God gives us must always make God happy. So simply put, we as his creation should do all things to the glory of God. When we eat, drink, sleep, relate to others, any action we do, physically or mentally, we must do it to please God. So drink one sip of beer and don't get drunk, then you fine, but drink one six pack of beer and now your mind can easily be attacked by demonic spirits. So unless you are born again, repented, and believe Jesus is the son of God as he said he was. And really follow Jesus teachings and not just say it, and grow strong in Jesus, Godly, holy spirit habits. Then only can you drink alcohol, why because only a true believer will be filled with the holy spirit and will have self control and even if they drink, will drink only as much as they feel they want to, which might be a sip or half a beer or any amount that does not cause drunkenness. So if you want your brother not to stumble and you have self control from the holy spirit drink your wine at home not in the public. The devil wants us focused on sin, is it wrong or right, the only way in this life is for all of us to share this knowledge. The knowledge that we are always under attack from demonic spirits 24/7, and the only way to survive and thrive in this environment is not by ourselves but to have help from the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit changes our worldly habits into Godly habits and we all know any habit becomes easier to more it's practiced. THANK YOU. DON'T OVER COMPLICATE THIS GIFT OF LIFE.
