The Most Controversial Mountaineering Accident of 2023

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Two women Gina Marie Rzucidlo and Anna Gutu were both fighting for history in 2023. They were trying to become the first American woman to summit all fourteen 8,000'ers, but there competition between each other would lead to one of the most controversial accidents of 2023....This is their story.

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I know someone who summited Everest and some of these peaks—phenomenal climber and very passionate—and he was so mad when I asked him about this. For him climbing is the ultimate reminder that you’re a human, and that standing at the top of any mountain puts everything into perspective and makes you grateful for others—“unless, of course, you’re more focused on your reflection than the view”.


The most tragic part of these stories is that the Sherpas’ families have no more income and are then worse off than they already were. The families are forgotten about. It’s devastating.


They say Sherpas believe that the mountains speak their will through the weather and events that occur on them, and I gotta say, nothing sends a clearer message in that regard than two avalanches, one for each of them. It seems even the mountains themselves won't tolerate this kind of self-indulgence forever


RIP Tenjen. Absolute powerhouse of a mountaineer. Incredible record he got together with Kristin


Nice to see Nims mentioned in the video, me and my family met him a few years ago and he's a lovely guy who dedicates a lot of his time to clearing up the rubbish left on Everest and body recovery


I believe the people that climb MT. EVEREST should carry life insurance on the people that assist, lead, and protect them so their families have some protection to support their family. They should also pay them to clean up the mess they leave behind. The mountain should be cared for and loved by leaving no foot print behind.


This 2023 feels like a "Let's go to 8000m mountains and risk the lives of us and our crews" for something these girls could have done TOGETHER. People climbing for clout without using their brain has been such a 2023 thing honestly.


Climbing such mountains should never become a recreational ‘badge collecting’ exercise.


It’s literally become pay to win. I feel sorry for the Sherpa who lost his life but have zero sympathy for someone who loses their life while risking others for their selfish reasons.


There's a lot of places where people shouldn't be assholes to other people, but climbing any of the 8000m peaks with this problem is ridiculous.


As one of the US Indigenous Tribal members, my elders and grandfather instilled in me to respect mountainous regions, you must be in harmony with the mountains, always offer a prayer so you and the mountain are one. We were to never climb the mountains to compete, never set foot upon it in anger, and offer another prayer when you get to the top, if you take something from the mountain (deer, elk or medicinal herbs), leave something of personal value before going back down to the foot of the mountain. Of every mountains I've been on, I've always packed my garbage out, and it is disgusting the human waste that is being left on Mt Everest! Mil/Leo ret.


Some people climb mountains so they can see the world, while other people climb mountains so the world can see them. Tragic


That message by Dr. Tracee Metcalf shown at the very end hits the nail on the head. These competitions need to stop. Mountain climbing is a social sport, not a competitive one. That's why there's nobody keeping score. When climbing these beautiful, albeit incredibly perilous wonders of nature... people need to learn to put their egos aside, otherwise tragedies like this will continue to happen. My sincere condolences to the victims' families and loved ones.


This is not the most controversial mountaineering accident of 2023. The incident, where several people climbed past a dying Sherpa, without giving a crap, made international headlines.


7:12 It’s sick to talk about ‘competition’ or records when a selfie-seeking woman was literally pulled uphill by a climber who lost his life


Crazy how both teams got hit on 2 different places and "only" 1 team member of the women died with them. That's a crazy way of the mountain giving this competition a middlefinger.
Absolutely sad for sure but they knew what they were facing and took the risk intentionally.


I hate climbers like this. I can't believe being the second American woman to do this would be such a horrible thing that you should die and kill others for it. The truth is they still aren't the first women to achieve this feat. The distinction of being American women (or women/person of any other nationality) is only a technicality to get a manufactured first.

Also, getting dragged up a mountain shouldn't count for anything.


It's truly sad for mountain climbing to become so toxic. Use to be, you'd hear of climbers helping each other reach the summit if they couldn't do it themselves, they'd cheer on others. True that some people are "paying" to climb and be carried up the mountain but not all who pay are carried up. Many do have to climb themselves too. It's hard for me (a non-climber) to begrudge anyone who actually goes up the mountain even if you're helped by everyone carrying your stuff. It's sad that other climbers don't just ignore that. Competition should NOT ever be on a mountain side, especially one that goes into the death zone. Yes, there are those who "compete" against each other but are still friendly. That's usually what you see but that's being replaced by snobs and toxic behavior from BOTH sides of the argument. Sad. Shameful.


As I have found, climber types are some of the cruelest A-holes you'll ever have the misfortune to be stuck with.


Awards should only come if you do it all yourself. Set your own runs and everything. They should also pay a rescue deposit for emergency services and strict guidelines for when no one will come for you.
